
The Legal Battles of Assange & Manning

The Legal Battles of Assange & Manning

On FPF #348, I update the persecution of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. The UK sentenced Assange to a 50-week sentence for violating bail. The US is seeking his extradition on charges related to the Manning Leaks. Now Sweden is also seeking his extradition. ...

Mueller Report And Russia

Just listening now to AG Barr.  He says Wikileaks got the DNC hacks from Russia via I guess Guccifer 2.0 (btw, Guccifer the first is Romanian, so it's pronounced like "Goochee" like the handbag - "Goocheefer" - funny hacker's name).  That's not the Podesta emails, I...

The Legal Battles of Assange & Manning

Assange Arrested

On FPF #335, I discuss the arrest of Julian Assange. Assange was arrested by the UK after Ecuador's president rescinded his asylum. Assange now faces the potential of being extradited to the US; an indictment against Julian Assange charges him with crimes related to...

Robert Mueller Still Shooting Blanks

The Roger Stone indictment: all obstruction, no Russia. The facts, as the indictment presents them, are that Stone emailed with Randy Credico about Assange and Wikileaks, but then denied it, and tried to intimidate Credico to corroborate his claim that Credico was his...



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