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The Bureaucratic Revolution

On the Human Action podcast, Jeff Deist interviews William L. Anderson about the Ludwig von Mises classic Bureaucracy. Update: Mises is killing it today. Also check out this great article, "3 Ways to Help Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap," by Jordan Setayesh.

Hilarious Hillary, History’s Sorest Loser

I've hated this woman's stinking guts for so long, it's really a nice relief to now simply find her to be the funniest comedian in America. Tell us again Hillary how miserable you are. We're listening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77i_pC3lp04

Hilarious Hillary

She just can't help herself. Please remind me again about your own obstruction and deletion of 30,000 emails from your time as secretary of state. Tell me, were any of those regarding your "foundation"'s business with the Saudis while you were supporting their jihad...

George Papadopoulos’s Side of the Story

As Daniel Lazare explained on the show, the basis of the FBI's investigation was a hoax and a frame-up from the beginning. Here Papadopoulos talks to Michael Tracey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjGLCCP_lPg&feature=youtu.be

RIP Jake Phelps

Legendary Thrasher editor Jake Phelps is dead. Media doesn't say how he died. I've heard a few different things. Patrick O'Dell, producer of the great Epicly Later'd documentaries, sends him off for Vice here.



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