Third world

The F35 Follies: Britannia Rules a Little

My recommendation to the British MoD: don't buy anymore of these flying failure factories. U.K. planned to buy138 F-35s, bought 48, delivered 35, aims at 75 by 2025. Judging from the delays and failures universally in the program, achieving a delivery of all...

There’s No Free World

The late great economist Peter Bauer used to say there is no "Third World," i.e., no sharp line dividing developed from undeveloped countries. Rather, there is a development spectrum along which countries sit. Mutatis mutandis, there is no "Free World." So stop...

There's No Free World

The late great economist Peter Bauer used to say there is no "Third World," i.e., no sharp line dividing developed from undeveloped countries. Rather, there is a development spectrum along which countries sit. Mutatis mutandis, there is no "Free World." So stop...



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