News Roundup 10/2/17

by | Oct 2, 2017

  • Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has resigned his position. [Link]
  • The Trump administration has set a cap of 45,000 refugees to be admitted to the US in 2018. [Link]
  • A New Orleans prison will no longer allow their inmates to have in-person visits. Visitors will now have to use a video phone system at the cost of $13 for every 20 minutes. [Link]
  • OJ Simpson has been released from prison. [Link]
  • At least 20 people have been killed at a concert in Las Vegas. A gunman opened fire on the crowd at the concert. Police report the shooter has been killed, but have not released the shooters name. [Link]
  • The Trump administration is urging Congress to renew and make permanent some sections of the Foreign Intelligence Survalience Act. [Link]
  • Senators McCain and Lee have introduced a bill to permanently exempt Puerto Rico from the Jones Act. [Link]
  • Portugal reduced drug abuse by decriminalizing drugs. [Link]
  • Glenn Greenwald debunks the latest claims that Russia hacked the US election. [Link]
  • Chris Ernesto takes on the myth that wars are fought to protect freedoms. [Link]
  • Julian Borger explains why the CIA is not helping Donald Trump to undermine the Iran nuclear deal. [Link]
  • Neoconservatives ally with Steve Bannon against the Iran nuclear deal. [Link]
  • Pentagon data shows each US taxpayer has spent $7,500 on the War on Terror. [Link]
  • Trump Tweeted that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was wasting his time trying to negotiate with North Korea. [Link]
  • Catalans held their independence referendum in spite of a brutal crackdown by Spanish police. Police were filmed beating and abusing peaceful voters. Police beat elderly women and firefighters attempting to protect voters. In total, 844 Catalans were injured yesterday. Police seized some ballot boxes and closed some polling stations. 90% of Catalans voted for independence. [Link]
  • The Spanish government will do everything possible to stop Catalonia from declaring independence. [Link]
  • Two women were stabbed to death by a man at a train station in France. The Islamic State is claiming responsibility for the attack. French soldiers shot the attacker to death. [Link]
  • Egypt is cracking down on homosexuals. Six men have been arrest for social media posts and are going to be forced to undergo an anal inspection. Another man has been sentenced to six years in jail. [Link]
  • A US missile malfunctioned and killed several civilians near Kabul Afghanistan. [Link]
  • Senator Bob Corker said the US was likely to have ground troops in Afghanistan for the next decade. [Link]
  • Rex Tillerson issues a statement saying the US does not recognize the Iraqi Kurdish independence vote. [Link]
  • A Turkish soldier was killed fighting the PKK in Iraq. Three PKK militants were also killed in the fighting. [Link]
  • The UN agreed to send war crimes investigators to Yemen. The UN agreement was a watered down version of a resolution to investigate war crimes in Yemen proposed by Canada and Denmark. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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