On Ukraine, Democrat and GOP Leadership Agree That War is Good

by | Oct 3, 2022

On Ukraine, Democrat and GOP Leadership Agree That War is Good

by | Oct 3, 2022

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Over the past seven months, the Biden administration has pursued an increasingly escalatory policy to help Ukraine kill tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, destroy Russian military assets and even attack targets inside Russia itself. As I mentioned in my number one rated article in The National Interest published earlier today entitled “Will American Aid to Ukraine Provoke a Russian Nuclear Strike?”, Biden’s undeclared proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is increasingly likely to provoke the outbreak of an unnecessary World War Three with Russia. Such a war could cost the lives of over 200 million Americans and even more Europeans over Russia’s claim to 6.4% of the territory Ukraine controlled and 2.4 million of its citizens, many of whom have since fled, before the war in the Donbass region. Unbelievably, virtually no elected US leaders or anyone in the liberal mainstream media seems to care whether Biden’s continued policy of national suicide in fighting his undeclared proxy war against Russia in Ukraine ends up provoking a nuclear war with Russia or not. Here is a link to a video interview I gave on September 21st in response to Putin’s proclamation earlier that day that Russia would annex all occupied Ukrainian territory and that he has issued a decree ordering the mobilization of 1.2 million Russian Army reservists which would enable him to increase Russia’s troops in Ukraine by up to five to seven times.

There is a perverse, irrational, and historically unsupportable ideology which has infested the leaders of both major political parties in our nation’s capital of Washington, D.C., causing neoconservative Republicans and liberal internationalists to form an unholy alliance in support of fighting this never-ending war against Russia in Ukraine which is leading America down the primrose path toward a nuclear apocalypse. These U.S. leaders have proven incredibly ignorant and naive, opting to willfully blind themselves and bury their heads in the sand when it comes to the existential threats we face from the Sino-Russian military alliance which has recently achieved supremacy over the U.S. both in terms of nuclear weapons as well as nation-ending super-EMP weapons, which the U.S. does not possess and has no plans to develop. They seem blissfully unaware that the Russian Federation and Communist China could destroy our great nation within a matter of minutes while beating their chest about the need to risk nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine and with China over Taiwan, nations that do not constitute vital national interests and with which the U.S. has no security commitments.

Newly elected British Prime Minister Liz Truss exemplified this collective insanity and insatiable lust for war with Russia when asked whether she would use Britain’s nuclear weapons even if it meant global annihilation and she unthinkingly responded by saying, “Yes, I would” even though she was given no context to the question. Her answer implied that, as British Prime Minister, engaging in a full nuclear exchange with Russia which would destroy the U.K. would be her first consideration rather than a last resort.

Former President Trump has proven to be the most outspoken voice of U.S. national security interests, peace and sanity in both major U.S. political parties. At a rally on January 30th, Trump declared, “Joe Biden’s weakness and incompetence is creating a very real risk of World War III,” the former president said. “Washington is obsessing over how to protect Ukraine‘s border. But the most important border in the world right now for us is not Ukraine‘s border,” he said. “It’s America’s border and we do nothing about it.” “The first duty of the American president is to defend the American border,” Trump said. “Before our leaders talk about invasions of other countries, they need to stop the invasion of this country.” “[Americans] are sick of politicians who … squander our strength and spill our blood all over the world,” he said. In response to President Trump’s speech expressing concern that Biden would embroil us in an unnecessary Third World War with Russia and stating that the U.S. should stay out of Russia’s war with Ukraine, arch-neoconservative warmonger former Vice President Mike Pence attacked former President Trump and his tens of millions of America First conservative supporters by declaring “there is no room for apologists for Putin in the Republican Party.”

In a statement Trump issued on February 24″ he lamented, “If I were in Office, this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened!”  He is most likely correct as he would have agreed to Putin’s pre-war demand to issue a written guarantee that Ukraine would never join NATO to prevent Russia from invading it. At a rally held on March 15th while Russia and Ukraine were negotiating a tentative peace deal to end the war, Trump said Biden can still “end this tragedy without getting Americans snared into a gruesome and very bloody war.” “This could lead, by the way, this could lead to World War III,” Trump said. “I see what’s happening. Because if you think Putin is going to stop, it’s going to get worse and worse. He’s not going to accept it and we don’t have anybody to talk to him.” Trump again warned that the way Biden is handling the war in Ukraine could lead to a Third World War with Russia at a rally in June. At a rally in Wilmington, N.C earlier today, President Trump repeated his warning that Biden was leading the U.S. into a Third World War with Russia saying,  “I was right about Ukraine. I was right about what, Taiwan and I’m hoping I’m not going to be right about World War Three, because we have stupid people dealing.” He then predicted the U.S. would lose a war with Russia if Biden decided to fight them. Trump stated, “You could end up in World War III and this will be a war like we’ve never had before – won’t even be close, because we’re being run by stupid people.” That is certainly the understatement of the year.

While Russia has been offering relatively lenient peace terms to Ukraine for the past six and a half months which could have ended the war five months ago, both neoconservative Republicans and liberal internationalists in the Biden administration have vehemently opposed all attempts to negotiate a compromise peace agreement recognizing Russia’s legitimate security concerns while ensuring Ukraine’s security and continued political and economic independence. Indeed, the Biden administration has foolishly refused to have a single conversation with Russian leaders about ending the war in Ukraine with a negotiated peace settlement since the war began, thereby missing a number of opportunities to secure reasonable peace terms for Ukraine and end the war many months ago. As Fox News host Tucker Carlson correctly stated on his TV show on September 22nd, the turning point of the war was Russia’s withdrawal from three Ukrainian oblasts including Kyiv in early April due to insufficient manpower resources to hold territory causing Biden and Boris Johnson to pressure Zelensky to repudiate Ukraine’s tentative peace deal with Russia and the U.S. to engage in an ever-increasing escalation spiral that now appears likely to end in Russian nuclear escalation in the next several weeks to several months.

Lt. General Keith Kellogg, who served as former Vice President Pence’s National Security Advisor stated on Fox News in an interview on September 22nd that Putin will only back down if we keep threatening him and escalating America’s undeclared proxy war against Russia in Ukraine ignoring the fact that if the U.S. and NATO had never threatened Russia, Putin would never have invaded Ukraine in the first place. His ill-informed statement exemplifies the fact that the neoconservatives believe that the only way to prevent war is to engage in an endless escalation spiral, which far from preventing war, is very likely to lead in the next few months to the nuclear level. In order to ‘prevent’ a future war, they say we must confront Putin and fight a world war with him today seemingly oblivious to the fact that such a war will escalate to the nuclear level within a few weeks, if not a few hours.

Neoconservatives mistakenly claim that the lesson of World War Two is that we must never engage in peaceful accommodations of adversaries or it will lead to a world war when in fact it was Britain’s decision to abandon its policy of accommodating Germany and to confront Germany militarily over its claim to the 95% German city of Danzig and the previously ethnic German Polish Corridor which constituted less than 4.4% of Polish territory that led to the outbreak of World War Two. In fact, the lesson of World War Two if Britain had supported a negotiated settlement between Poland and Germany in 1939, that World War Two would have been entirely averted and the lives of fifty million people would have been spared including five to six million Jews.

The myth that it was the Munich Agreement, rather than the ill-considered British military guarantee of Poland that led to the outbreak of the Second World War was begun by British supporters of Winston Churchill who then repeated this lie until it came to be considered fact. Warmongering neoconservatives have since accepted it as sacred and unassailable religious dogma despite the fact that it has no basis whatsoever in fact or reality. They incessantly declare that the year is 1938 and that anyone who does not support a policy of military confrontation with Russia and supports a Reaganite policy of peace through strength and peaceful co-existence with our two nuclear superpower adversaries who are allied in a close military alliance against us is somehow an appeaser of evil. Some neoconservatives have used the same arguments with regards to Communist China despite the fact that they supported the very policies of unilateral free trade that built the PRC up into the greatest nuclear superpower enemy trillions of U.S. trade surplus dollars could buy.

Despite the fact, that they have been proven wrong about everything beginning with their support of Bush’s unprovoked invasion of Iraq in the false belief that Saddam Hussein retained weapons of mass destruction, these America Last neoconservatives have succeeded in retaking control of the Republican Party from America First conservatives after former President Trump left office. They have joined Biden and Democrat congressional leaders in comparing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to (former British Prime Minister) Winston Churchill, which could hardly be any more ironic given the fact that it was Churchill and FDR who surrendered half of Europe, including Ukraine, to genocidal Russian dictator Josef Stalin at the Yalta Conference in 1945.

A couple of days ago, Zelensky gave an interview with Britain’s Guardian newspaper in which he gave his so-called ‘plan for peace’ which included five points to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. More alarmingly, one of his top aides called for a pre-emptive U.S. nuclear first strike on Russia to destroy all of their nuclear missile sites at the first sign that Russia might be thinking about employing one or more low-yield tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Such a US nuclear attack on Russia would lead to an overwhelming Russian nuclear response that would inevitably lead to the destruction of our great nation. Following his interview, he has received nothing but praise from U.S. leaders who support taking the war to Russia to provoke them into using nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

When are Americans going to wake up to the fact that Zelensky’s primary objective of embroiling the US and NATO in a nuclear war with the mightiest nuclear superpower on Earth with over 4.5 more operational nuclear weapons is the polar opposite of the U.S. vital national security interest of averting an unnecessary nuclear war with Russia and China? For this reason, and many others, it is imperative that the Biden administration stop outsourcing U.S. national security policy to Kyiv given the increasingly high stakes and nuclear risks and demand Zelensky return to the negotiating table with Russia without delay.

It is time for all those who love the United States of America, both on the political left and the right, and want to ensure its survival to unite in support of a policy of peace through strength rather than Biden’s policy of war through weakness and demand the Biden administration immediately suspend all lethal military assistance to Ukraine to pressure them to negotiate a peace agreement with Russia on the best terms realistically possible. That is the only sane path for America to pursue to avoid potential nuclear annihilation. Unfortunately, Ukraine may have as little as one week before Russia formally annexes all four Ukrainian regions they occupy. Once that happens, Russia’s minimum acceptable peace terms will be Ukrainian recognition of Russian annexation of all four Ukrainian regions as well as Crimea and thus Ukraine will have no hope of obtaining reasonable peace terms as Russia has been offering them since early March.

This article was originally featured at David Pyne’s substack The Real War and is republished with permission.

David Pyne

David Pyne

David T. Pyne, Esq. is a former U.S. Army combat arms and Headquarters staff officer, who was in charge of armaments cooperation with the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas from 2000-2003, with an M.A. in National Security Studies from Georgetown University. He currently serves as Deputy Director of National Operations for the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and is a contributor to Dr. Peter Pry’s book “Blackout Warfare” as well as the upcoming book “Will America Be Protected?” which is due to be released later this year. He also serves as the Editor of “The Real War” newsletter at dpyne.substack.com. He may be reached at emptaskforce.ut@gmail.com.

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