Personal Philosophy Numeric Code

by | Nov 20, 2016

Personal Philosophy Numeric Code

by | Nov 20, 2016

I have often thought it would be beneficial to have a number code that could be used as a shortcut to discern personal beliefs when interacting with my fellow man.  It would save a lot of time.  I could scan a crowd and throw out winks and knowing glances.  I wouldn’t get the four digits tattooed on my arm, but I might wear them on a name patch at a conference to help people understand who I am.

For example, I could write the “1111” under my name when I attend a liberty-themed conference so that people could know that I am “one of those guys.”    Or, I might ask a guy’s number on-line before reading his liberty-themed web articles so I could better understand his perspective.  Pick the numbers from the categories below that are closest to your beliefs in each area.  If you are torn between two numbers, round up.

First digit:  State solutions. 

1 = I will not philosophically advocate a state solution for any issue even while living in a statist society since all state action involves theft and / or coercion.  2 = I am realistic and realize that some postures advocating some state action may be necessary to offset other negatives caused by the state.  3 = State solutions are needed in some areas and private solutions in other areas.

Second digit:  Spiritual convictions and the state. 

1 = Spiritual things are separate from and /or contrary to state things. 2 = Spiritual things should intertwine with state things.

Third digit: Property ownership. 

1 = An individual can own unlimited “private property,” even beyond what he can continuously control or occupy with his own body.  2 = An individual can possess “personal property” including real estate only to the extent that he personally uses and controls that property with his own body on a continual basis.  3 = An individual can possess personal property that he uses and controls, but cannot legitimately own or possess real property.  4 = An individual cannot own property since all things are part of a shared environment.

Fourth digit:  Action by society.

1 = All action is individual action.  Any talk of action by society is meaningless. 2 = Some action is necessarily taken by society and society expresses its intended direction through things like elections or social contracts.  Legitimate societal actions should be limited to those things where justice is being dispensed or freedom is being preserved.  3 = Benevolent collectives are necessary in many areas to preserve the welfare of mankind or to tame the brutish nature of man.

I look forward to seeing your Personal Philosophy Numeric Code!

David Hathaway

David Hathaway

David Hathaway is a rancher and homeschooling father of nine children. He is the elected sheriff of Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

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