The Real Meaning of ‘Fake News’

by | Oct 11, 2019

The Real Meaning of ‘Fake News’

by | Oct 11, 2019

That there are still people among the general public that take everything they hear and see on cable and broadcast news programs as gospel, is a testament to the “success” of government schools. 15,000 hours of indoctrination doesn’t help with discernment, but surely assists in making sure the powers that be have a grip on how you perceive and process what is being fed to you. Fake news, fake news, fake news! In my opinion that phrase will remain part of the zeitgeist forever. For our purposes we are not talking about “fake news” (maybe a little) but selective information meant to steer your thinking in a certain direction.  

Starting in the early 1950s, probably due to the rapidly expanding war state, and the “Red Scare,” the CIA instituted Operation Mockingbird. Mockingbird sought to influence the reporting done by the mainstream news while infiltrating and funding student groups as well as magazines. Remember, this was all happening at a time when there was no internet. Many were still consuming their news from radio and there were three television stations spoon-feeding the mass of people who just lived through a “world war’ and were reveling in the victory their government gave them. These were uber-patriotic times. People were willing to give their government the benefit of the doubt. 

Anyone who has spent time in one of those government schools (the overwhelming majority of the population) wasn’t taught about Operation Mockingbird. It should be obvious as to why. Now that the public is aware (assuming any have taken the time to investigate and ponder its importance), how should they view the information that comes flowing out of the mouths of perfectly quaffed models and actors hired to read off a teleprompter? Do they question the words gliding off their tongues? That can be answered with an emphatic, NO! 

When you are parroting information slipped to you by covert operatives, how do you fact check it? Is it paranoid to ask about the legitimacy of this reporting? MSNBC does not hide the fact that their reporting leans “Left” with the majority of their opinion pieces being “Progressive.” What they may not want you to remember is that they were cheerleaders for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The network had never shown a background with the American flag on screen, yet when the war become demanded by the State, they did just that. They added patriotic programming that had never appeared on the network. Executives went so far as to fire Phil Donohue one month before the Iraq War started because he was “too anti-Bush” in his rhetoric. They turned on a dime and promoted a lie. Why? 

Do a quick internet search and you will find that even the most liberal of newspapers such as the New York Times has been guilty of publishing data that turned out to be false but eventually led the U.S. into conflict in the Middle East. The term “war hawk” could rightly be applied to their promoting of these offensivesWhy were they so quick to encourage American intervention in Iraq? Never forget that when it comes to the reporting of these news agencies there is always contrary data that they choose to ignore in favor of information that more often than not, leads to hostilities.  

Most recently we have seen the Russia-Gate debacle. For close to two years, CNNMSNBC and every major newspaper in the country ran with a story that had its origins in a dossier that turned out to be put together by an MI6 spy who, from what evidence can be gathered, was paid to do so by the Hillary Clinton campaign. They not only covered it, they made it the center of their reporting. If it was a print publication; it was on their front-page daily. Cable news made it the overwhelming majority of their reporting. Apocryphally, the claim was made that in 2018, MSNBC said the name Russia up to one million times but never once Yemen. Even if this were exaggerated, those who were paying attention wouldn’t find it hard to believe. 

Connecting intelligence agencies to the phony Russia-Gate narrative isn’t hard to do as they admit the source originated from an intelligence organization, although one from another country that works closely with the CIA. What is the thinking person to make of all of this information? 

The amount of people who are now calling into question anything they see or read in the mainstream press is growing. Unfortunately, many of them are still stuck in binary-brain thinking where one side believes MSNBC and CNN are the “real news,” and FOX are the liars. Vice versa for the other group. Only when a small, vocal, thinking minority decides that they’ve had enough, and decides to abandon their team in favor of individualism can it be expected that any real change will be seen. Until then, those who have reached that point should do their best to guide others to where they are. The Right/Left, collectivist divide may be the greatest scheme those who benefit from it have ever devised. 

Peter R. Quiñones

Peter R. Quiñones

Peter R. Quiñones hosts the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. He released his first book, Freedom Through Memedom – The 31-day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty in November 2017. It reached #4 in the Libertarian Section on Amazon. He has spoken at Liberty Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire and is one of the Executive Producers on the documentary, “The Monopoly on Violence."

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