The Specter of ‘Defense Secretary Cheney’

by | Oct 24, 2024

The Specter of ‘Defense Secretary Cheney’

by | Oct 24, 2024

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I believe one of the biggest political stories of the year is the attempted resurrection of the Cheney legacy.

This is a family whose political prospects were dead and buried in 2022—in no small part from the contributing efforts of Bring Our Troops Home.

But Liz Cheney is out on the campaign trail again, now appearing with Kamala Harris and encouraging Americans to re-elect the Biden team.

From the national debates to local meet and greets, Vice President Harris and Tim Walz are thanking Dick Cheney for his support and praising his public service—including the illegal invasion of Iraq, torture, and the subversion of Americans’ dearest political liberties.

This merger signifies the War Party openly and brazenly shedding its misleading, partisan skin to reveal the true, DC consensus underneath: the neoconservatives and Biden-Harris alums who agree that the Deep State feeds on endless war…and needs more of it!

Consider; hasn’t every decision of the last four years been geared towards hyping our country into World War III? Whether against Russia or China or Iran, the Biden-Harris White House hasn’t flinched from deploying hundreds of billions of dollars and writing future checks they expect American servicemen to cash in blood.

Rumors are swirling around the Beltway, sick minds teeming with possibilities and mouths drooling over the prospects of trillion-dollar weapons packages.

Here’s the number one threat to the American heartland: If Kamala Harris is elected to her own term in the White House in two weeks, we could see her nominate Liz Cheney as Secretary of Defense.

Harris has already promised to include a “Republican” in her cabinet, and Liz, who agrees with the Democratic establishment on every core issue, would be a layup. And with lockstep Democratic support, combined with a significant number of Republican hawks, Liz Cheney would assuredly be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Of course the argument that her father held the same position under Bush Sr. would be used as a phony qualification.

We’d witness in real time our soldiers become cogs in a war machine active on every continent. No doubt we’d see a return to conscription, after Americans inevitably refuse to fight these nonsense wars. Or we’d see the impressment of illegal immigrants (bribed with the promise of citizenship, a plan already being discussed) and the outright foreign occupation of our soil. And the most influential advisor to the president would be 83-year old Dick Cheney, who unlike Joe Biden has managed to stay as sharp and mean as ever.

There is no institution the Cheney family would not disassemble, no law they would not violate, no life they would not sacrifice if it meant absolute power for themselves. They’re evil down to the bone.

October is a time for ghouls and goblins, maybe even the “living dead” like Dick Cheney. But even that scenario is too scary for me!

I pledge to you, as chairman of Bring Our Troops Home, that if the worst comes to worst my organization will be there to speak for the millions of veterans tired of these endless wars who are still loyal to the U.S. Constitution.

When I took my oath, it was for life, in and out of uniform. That’s why I advocate for the Defend the Guard Act full-time. And once the November results cool off, my team will be kicking it into high gear for legislative season. I’m receiving daily updates on new Defend the Guard bills being drafted, new legislators being recruited, and new battle plans being drawn up.

Visit our website to learn more. If Liz Cheney becomes the head of the Pentagon, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars that you enlisted early in the opposition to World War III.

Dan McKnight

Dan McKnight

Dan McKnight is a 13-year veteran of the military, including service in the United States Marine Corps, United States Army, and the Idaho Army National Guard. He is founder and chairman of Bring Our Troops Home. Follow him on Twitter @DanMcKnight30 and @TroopsHomeUS

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