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WATCH: Crazy Cop Spontaneously Starts Smashing Side Windows of Random Cars

by | Nov 3, 2022

WATCH: Crazy Cop Spontaneously Starts Smashing Side Windows of Random Cars

by | Nov 3, 2022


Over the years, the Free Thought Project has reported on some utterly tyrannical and power-tripping cops. We’ve seen cops slash tires, break windows, and do just about every other despicable act you can imagine to entirely innocent people. Though we have seen police officers pepper spray motorcyclists as they drove down the road, we’ve never seen a cop physically smash the car mirrors of innocent motorists as they drive by — until now.

On October 17, deputy Chad Whitson with the Torrance County Sheriff’s Department responded to a report of a hit and run. The victim in the hit-and-run was the one who requested and subsequently received the body camera footage from that night. Deputy Whitson’s actions in that video were criminal and he should most certainly be fired and charged but he’s yet to even make the local news and is still on active duty.

The person who posted the video runs the YouTube page “Small Town Audit 48” and also happened to be the victim. When he observed Whitson’s actions that night, he felt compelled to put this video out there.

I was involved in a bad hit and run accident on Monday 10/17/22. Officer Chad Whitson arrived on scene where by the looks of it doesn’t have his seat belt on. (I’ll get to why that important soon) Anyways he starts somewhat of an investigation but doesn’t seem to ask for more units to look for the truck that caused the accident, or to asst. him on blocking the road. He’s walking on the highway without a reflective vest on and as hes walking a couple of vehicles pass by him and it looks like he breaks their mirrors and blames it on them.

I cut out the part from when I was on the stretcher and in the ambulance because I was like a beached whale flopping around an moaning 🤣, but at one point he asked me if I had a seatbelt on and I said yes which I stand by, Anyways later he walks up to my wife and tells her I lied to him about my seatbelt being on 12:50 and that he’s going to give me a citation (like WTF), and even if that’s what he was going to do why go tell my wife just do it, but in my eyes it seems like he just wants to be like Woodard and let the bad guys go and get money from the ones that follow the law any way he can. This officer is now under investigation by me, and I will be getting videos from the past few months to see what kind of officer he really is.

A friend of the Free Thought Project, James Freeman posted a shorter version of the video which shows Whitson smashing the mirrors of cars as they drive by. As the video shows, Whitson walks out into the street and gets in the way of the vehicles that are driving by. As they pass him, he smashes their mirrors.

Whitson had no safety vest on to alert cars to his presence and was in his all-black uniform — which ensured that cars could not see him. As he walks into traffic on a highway with a speed limit of 55 mph, at dusk, a truck drives by him as he smashes out the side view mirror.

Moments later, an elderly woman drives by and he smashes her side view mirror off as well. When the woman stops, Whitson tells her to move along and that she is “free to go.”

According to Freeman, only one of the victims has come forward and he is encouraging any other victims to go to the sheriff’s department to file a complaint. If they are too scared of retaliation, he urges folks to email him at

Below is a video showing a psychopath with a badge taking out his anger on innocent motorists. If you’d like to alert the department, their contact info is below:

Phone number: 1-844-698-4616 – Phone: (505) 544-4900 Martin Rivera – County Sheriff – Stephanie Dunlap – Administrator –

Freeman’s short version:

Victim’s full version:

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.

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