On this day in 2001 (the day before the 9/11 attacks), Donald Rumsfeld said this: At the 14:15 mark, Rumsfeld says, “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building. Because it's stored on dozens of different technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.” A DoD IG audit report was released on 25 February 2000 which said the following: “For the accounting entries, $2.3 trillion was not supported by adequate audit trails or sufficient...
Dead in the Water: The US and Royal Gator Navies in a Death Spiral
Remember when USS Bonhomme Richard caught fire and burned for five days in San Diego? Or when the USS Boxer tried to deploy but broke its rudder. The USS Iwo Jima is now crippled. The Gator Navy is the amphibious warfare department of the USN and USMC. The USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) (landing helicopter dock) is a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship; fully loaded, the LHD has about 3,000+ people total, less all those extra passengers it's about 1,200 ship's company. They will most likely discover these are rudder problems which will take months to resolve. Don't be awed by the infographic above, the...
The Carrier Narrative is Dying
Carrier skeptics have been hammering away at the anachronistic cargo cult of the aircraft carrier. The Navy has invested a significant amount of political capital and mountains of budget dollars to maintaining a fleet of these allegedly deadly weapons of war that were recently steaming away with their tails between their legs from the Red Sea where the US Navy (in its own words) experienced the deadliest combat since WWII. Against a foe with no navy to speak of (largest vessels in the Yemeni fleet are fifty year old patrol vessels). Now Kat Klarenberg at Global Delinquents penned a brilliant...
Tanks for Nothing: The Era of Manned Armor is Over
The beat goes on. I have made the outrageous claim that the era of the carrier is over and also infer that manned tanks are also way past their expiration date due to the demonstrative lop-sided opportunities in salvo competition that is seeing 7-10 million dollar tanks savaged by munitions a fraction of the cost. Even in peer wars of the past, industrial capacity would not be able to keep up with that attrition trade-off but in today's severely degraded manufacturing environment in the West, this is an invitation to disaster with no capacity to replenish war-stocks lost in combat. You want...
Reader Request
Does anyone have the CRS or GAO report of the completed F35 OT&E [Pentagon’s Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E)]? Any documentation will do. They fielded the 1,000th airframe and it has NEVER jumped from initial operational capability (IOC) to full operational capability (FOC) until possibly this year. To quote Lt. Gen. Michael Schmidt, the F-35′s program executive officer, said during a 30 March 2023: The “F-35 is currently planning to achieve full operational capability status after the full TR-3 and block 4 capabilities of the aircraft are fielded in 2028 — 27...
Carrier Blues: Even the Mainstream is Waking Up
The ice is breaking on the stonewalling of the defense community and external observers to have an honest conversation on the aircraft carrier; they may be getting the message on how indefensible and anachronistic this extraordinarily expensive weapons system is. The Aircraft Carrier Industrial Base Coalition has already removed me from their Christmas card list. More and more of the Coprophile Media is reluctantly waking up to the apparently intuitively obvious conclusion. The defense journalism industry, like the cultural critics in Hollywood, tend to be sycophantic and are very careful...
Me at the Pentagon
Ep 051 “Cellular Ecology: Guerrilla Organizations and Grunt Math”
Episode Notes This is an episode to examine what cell structures look like and the methodologies of guerrillas and insurgents use to conduct clandestine or covert action. I further discuss traditional, subversive, critical cell and mass-oriented and unconventional cell structures. We visit some historical parallels and why the US and the West may not catch the next wave of terror in America (not cooked up by the clownish FBI like the Whitmer disaster). References: How They Hunt AQ Training Manual The IRA Greenbook Hunting the Sleepers An Analysis of Al-Qaida Tradecraft Modeling Terrorist...