Macgregor Steps Up to the Plate

COL Douglas Macgregor shows the stark choices ahead a defense establishment in the US and the west that is inexorably grinding to a halt in effectiveness and incompetence. The incoming President has three choices: 1. Allow service bureaucracies or external events to drive outcomes, resulting in few or no savings. This is akin to letting the ship drift aimlessly, at the mercy of the storm. 2. Make marginal adjustments to the defense status quo, avoiding conflicts but achieving little change and only modest savings. This is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic—it won’t save the...

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Taliban is Still on the Western Dole

  However, the Taliban is the group handing out NGO licenses in Afghanistan. If a Taliban sympathizer asks for an NGO license, they get it. So, many of these groups send money directly to the Taliban or to support the families of suicide bombers. Legend also said if the United States suspended these weekly payments, we would see signs of the Taliban and other Afghanistan-based terror groups crumbling within a year. The $40 million weekly cash shipments have stabilized the Afghani, making the Taliban’s newly printed currency the world’s best performer, beating the U.S. dollar in...

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Ep 001 “Fixing Fight Club: The Collapse of American Military Power”

Ep 001 “Fixing Fight Club: The Collapse of American Military Power”

Here's the premier episode of my new podcast, WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast and I am introducing the first series of 'casts I will do on base-lining problems and offering solutions to the immense military incompetence, malfeasance and rank stupidity that informs so much of contemporary Western military history. In the companion Chasing Ghosts podcast I produce, I am often scolded on being so overwhelmingly negative in my portrait of America and the west fighting the other conflicts, irregular warfare, historically and contemporaneously so bloody badly. I will seek to lighten the mood a tad...

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WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast Makes Landfall on Earth on Monday

Premier WarNotes Podcast episode is live Monday 18 November 2024. Ep 001 "Fixing Fight Club: The Collapse of American Military Power" Here's the premier episode of my new podcast, WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast and I am introducing the first series of 'casts I will do on base-lining problems and offering solutions to the immense military incompetence, malfeasance and rank stupidity that informs so much of contemporary Western military history. In the companion Chasing Ghosts podcast I produce, I am often scolded on being so overwhelmingly negative in my portrait of America and the west...

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Pentagon: 7-0 in Pristine Record of Audit Failure

Don't believe the Pentagon is capable of not only accounting for its present year's spending but the aggregate of materiel and expenditure on its books from past years. Boldly matching their record for military success, the DoD continues to cook the books it can't balance. The Pentagon on Friday failed its seventh audit in a row, with the nation’s largest government agency still unable to fully account for its more than $824 billion budget, though officials stress they are making good progress toward a clean audit in 2028. *** The goal is to earn an unmodified audit opinion, or a clean audit...

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Woke Club Rules

The anti-human creed of woketopia appears to be on the ropes. First Rule of Woke Club: you have zero accountability for any personal failure or rake-stomping you do. Second Rule of Woke Club: whatever skin suit you wear, your core being is victim-hood. Third Rule of Woke Club: everyone must worship your mental illness. You’re welcome. Email me at

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Defund Government Money to Think Tanks That Don’t Think

A 2022 document. In service of the green agenda, the RANDians have lost their minds...again. Stop funding the RAND Corporation; zero out all government funding to it. My Substack Email me at

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WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast Debuts Soon

I am debuting an occasional broadcast called WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast in the next week. It allows me to expand my inquiry into the martial phenomenon beyond the strictures of the niche irregular warfare rubric I labor under in Chasing Ghosts. I’ll dabble in history, contemporary mayhem and conflict futurism as my path-finding takes me on different azimuths. Stay tuned. The Earth is shifting; stay ahead of the curve. My Substack Email me at

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