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12/29/17 Nasser Arrabyee on the latest Saudi massacre of Yemeni civilians

Nasser Arrabyee returns to the show to discuss the latest war crimes committed by the U.S.-Saudi coalition, which included strikes on civilian areas in four different cities on markets, farms, and government buildings that killed entire families and more than 200 people. Arrabyee then explains why ISIS and Al Qaeda have been the big winners as a result of the U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen and why, on the ground in Yemen, ISIS and Al Qaeda are basically one entity. Nasser Arrabyee is a Yemeni journalist based in Sana’a, Yemen. He is the owner and director of yemen-now.com. You can follow him on...

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12/29/17 Derek Davison on the latest neocon plans for confronting Iran

Derek Davison returns to the show to discuss his latest article, "Clean Break II: Iran Hawks Decide To Burn It All Down." Davison details the latest neoconservative nightmare, explains his fear that Donald Trump is being quickly coopted by the neoconservatives, and considers what might happen if the U.S. walks away from the deal. Derek Davison is a freelance writer. His work appears at LobeLog and Jacobin. Learn more about his work at his site And That’s The Way It Was and follow him on Twitter. Discussed on the show: "The Men From JINSA and CSP," by Jason Vest (The Nation) Office of Special...

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12/22/17 John Feffer on North Korea, Iran, and the foreign policy of the Koch brothers

Co-director of FPIF.org John Feffer returns to the show to discuss his latest article, "North Korea: The Costs of War, Calculated." Feffer agrees that North Korea is not President Trump's Iraq War and explains why the geography of the Korean Peninsula make it clear what the consequences of a war with North Korea would be. Feffer explains why North Korea has little reason to trust American diplomatic guarantees, where sensible common ground for negotiations between the two countries should be, and considers whether a conventional conflict would necessarily lead to a nuclear conflict. Feffer...

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12/22/17 Robert Viglione on the latest cryptocurrency Zen Cash and the Seasteading movement

Co-founder of cryptocurrency Zen Cash Robert Viglione joins Scott on the show—and as the latest sponsor of the Scott Horton Show—to discuss the future of cryptocurrencies and his project Zen Cash. Viglione believes that Zen Cash is leading the way in privacy and anti-censorship in cryptocurrency in the name of creating a virtual free society. Viglione outlines the mission of Zen Cash and how it is differentiated not only from fiat money but also from other cryptocurrencies. Scott and Viglione then discuss the potential dangers of total reliance on public cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin....

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12/22/17 Roger Ver on the split between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Core

CEO of Bitcoin.com Roger Ver—aka "Bitcoin Jesus"—joins the show to discuss the explosion of bitcoin and the split in the bitcoin community between Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash. Ver details the problems with Bitcoin Core and predicts that a year from now it will no longer be the top global cryptocurrency. He then explains how he became interested in bitcoin in 2011 when he realized it could be a true alternative to fiat currencies and explains the connection between Bitcoin and the anti-war movement. Finally Ver makes the case why Bitcoin really can change the world and threaten the state's...

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12/20/17 Matthew Hoh on Afghanistan and Trump's newest National Security Strategy

Afghan war whistleblower Matthew Hoh returns to discuss the latest developments in Afghanistan, recalls his thought process when he blew the whistle in the lead up to Obama's surge, and describes the perverse incentives created by the military for advancement. Hoh then discusses the brand new Trump security strategy and how it relates to the Untied States' nuclear rivals, China and Russia. Hoh concludes by pointing out that, as delusional and malleable as Trump appears, his outlook on the world is really no different from those of presidents. Matthew Hoh is a senior fellow at the Center for...

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12/20/17 Matthew Hoh on Afghanistan and Trump’s newest National Security Strategy

Afghan war whistleblower Matthew Hoh returns to discuss the latest developments in Afghanistan, recalls his thought process when he blew the whistle in the lead up to Obama's surge, and describes the perverse incentives created by the military for advancement. Hoh then discusses the brand new Trump security strategy and how it relates to the Untied States' nuclear rivals, China and Russia. Hoh concludes by pointing out that, as delusional and malleable as Trump appears, his outlook on the world is really no different from those of presidents. Matthew Hoh is a senior fellow at the Center for...

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12/20/17 Eric Margolis on the history of NATO expansion towards Russia

Eric Margolis joins Scott to discuss his latest article, "Sorry, Chump, You Didn't Have It In Writing" in which Margolis recalls the history of broken promises and lies made to Russia by NATO and the United States, and the subsequent increase in tension and near misses in Eastern Europe. Scott then asks Margolis: just how evil—and how ambitious—is Vladimir Putin? Margolis describes his visit in 1990 to the KGB headquarters and Putin-as-Russian-Pinochet, how U.S. corporate interests pillaged Russia after the fall of the wall, and how Vladimir Putin helped rebuild the country in the aftermath....

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