U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Is a Cynical PR Ploy

U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Is a Cynical PR Ploy

Under the administration of President Joseph R. Biden, the U.S. government has been portraying itself as being seriously concerned about the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, where Israel has been waging a devastating military assault that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on January 26 judged to be a plausible genocide. On March 3, Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged the “devastating” situation in Gaza, where “starving” people are resorting to eating leaves and animal feed, women are giving birth to malnourished babies, and children are “dying from malnutrition and...

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New York Times Persists in Russia Election Hacking Conspiracy Theory

New York Times Persists in Russia Election Hacking Conspiracy Theory

“Russia Targeted Election Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds”, read the headline of a New York Times article published on July 25, 2019. In it, the Times asserted as fact that, during the 2016 US presidential election season, the Russian government attempted to hack into state election infrastructure. The leading potential motive provided for this alleged activity was to tamper with vote tallies to throw the election to the Republican candidate, Donald Trump. In the state of Illinois, the Times tells us, Russia succeeded in penetrating the system, although there’s admittedly no evidence...

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Journo and Sjursen Debate How to Solve Israel-Palestine Conflict

Journo and Sjursen Debate How to Solve Israel-Palestine Conflict

https://youtu.be/Mg1Y2V9Forc Elan Journo and Danny Sjursen debated how to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and while Sjursen rightly won, both were wrong on a few key points. On March 18, 2019, the Soho Forum hosted a debate in which Elan Journo argued in favor and Danny Sjursen against the resolution that, “To resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel must first achieve defeat of the Palestinian movement.” Elan Journo is the Director of Policy Research at the Ayn Rand Institute, and Danny Sjursen is a US Army major and former history instructor at West Point. The debate was...

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Why Israel Has No ‘Right to Exist’

Apologists for Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians claim the state has a “right to exist” in an effort to legitimize the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Zionists taking it upon themselves to try to defend Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people frequently level the charge that its critics are attempting to “delegitimize” the self-described “Jewish state”. Israel, they counter, has a “right to exist”. But they are mistaken. This is not to single out Israel. There is no such thing as a state’s “right to exist”, period. No such right is recognized under international law. Nor could...

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What Vox Gets Wrong with Its “11 biggest myths about Israel-Palestine”

What Vox Gets Wrong with Its “11 biggest myths about Israel-Palestine”

I’ve written an article titled “Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” that is among my all-time most popular, so when I learned that Vox has a feature called “The 11 biggest myths about Israel-Palestine”, I naturally took an interest. Unfortunately, while Vox gets some things right, what it gets wrong it gets badly wrong. So, to set the record straight, here’s a quick examination of each of Vox’s eleven supposed myths and corrective for its egregious misinformation. “Myth #1: The conflict is too complex to possibly understand” Although I don’t include it on my own list of...

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US Funding Cut for UNRWA Illuminates Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’

On August 31, the US government let the world know that it would not be releasing $60 million pledged to fund the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is mandated to provide development and humanitarian services to Palestinian refugees, and that no further funding for the agency would be forthcoming unless it changes its definition of “refugee” to reduce their numbers by a target of 90 percent. Days earlier, on August 24, the US had announced that it would not provide $200 million in aid that Congress had allotted this year for humanitarian and economic projects in the Israel-occupied...

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Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, injected, harassed, surveilled, vilified, disarmed, beaten, detained, and maybe shot by federal agents. From hapless homeowners hit by SWAT raids to pandemic lockdowns pointlessly paralyzing lives, government...

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