The Constitution and Cannabis

Take, if you will, cannabis sativa – better known as marijuana.  It’s in the news because the states are continuing to legalize it for medical and recreational use, despite federal prohibition. But Donald Trump’s executive branch is making noise that it will begin more vigorous enforcement of federal laws prohibiting it. This is in the news at the same time as the issue of sanctuary cities, with some local and state governments saying they will not enforce federal law against undocumented immigrants. Could the states also choose not to enforce federal prohibitions against marijuana,...

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John D. Pierce, Esq.

John "JD" Pierce is a Contributor to the Tenth Amendment Center, a property law attorney, an adjunct law professor, a registered Libertarian and an avid Constitutionalist.


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Israel Winner of the 2003 Iraq Oil War

Israel Winner of the 2003 Iraq Oil War

From the Foreword by Lawrence B. Wilkerson: “[T]he debate over whether oil was a principal reason for the 2003 invasion has waxed and waned, with one camp arguing that it absolutely was, while the other argues the precise opposite.” “Mr. Vogler, himself a former...

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