

I recently attended an Australian Friends of Palestine charity fundraiser. It was a run-walk on a warm Sunday afternoon at Glenelg. Merchandise was sold, donations taken, and those entering paid to help raise money and awareness about the genocide in Palestine. In the end, twenty thousand Australian dollars were raised. The event was friendly and well meaning, and in line with the organizer's speech that "Today we put our anger aside," there was no indignation present. I spoke to a handful of people about Palestine. One lady responded, "Can we talk about something else, as it’s not...

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The Girl in the Mall

The Girl in the Mall

She could be anywhere from sixteen to her early twenties, a strewn mess of hair rests tangled above and over her face. A regular at the Seaford Shopping Centre, she watches families walk by, smiling at children and when no one is nearby she talks to herself. In the winter her bare feet purple from the cold and as summer approaches her skin showing bruises, cuts and debris that clings to her youth. Pacman, the man mountain who works security tells me that she is nice, keeps to herself and the mall management and local shop owners don’t mind her being inside. Though it’s not the weather that...

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Halloween Election

Halloween Election

Halloween is upon us again and it happens to be before the next Most important election in history. The sacred ritual of the democracy ghouls, when the imperial citizens of the United States vote for their executive, though other candidates exist it is relegated to two lesser evils, depending on your perspectives. Around Halloween people love evil things but during the election season, evil is a thing of romantic lusts. Far away in the miserable wastes of war shivers a family, one in too many, hungry and frightened each night and day as death lurks nearby they hope for a reprieve. Killers in...

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The War Cry

The War Cry

Boots on the ground. Usually boys to men, that’s who is required to wage the wars. Boys and men are who they need mostly to fight, kill, maim, kidnap, torture and destroy. In turn they can be killed, maimed, kidnapped, tortured and destroyed as well. They may be required to do these things even if they return home, though they never return the same. They are required to make the wars happen, to keep them going on. One million needed, and later on a million more. Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed, maimed, kidnapped, tortured and destroyed. Then afterwards society will cry, “Lest we...

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Insurrection of the Mind.

Insurrection of the Mind.

Star Trek Insurrection is not one of the better films in the series, but it seeks to address issues of humanity that sometimes only science fiction can. Immortality, the value of life and human relationships with technology. It is fitting that the film starts with the android Data going crazy as he attempts to expose a Federation plot against a small human community that would violate their rights, for the usual ‘greater good’. With a modest level of technology, the community of humans have philosophically chosen to live such a way. The humans are a tad pretentious but they have chosen to...

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Hollywood Hasbara

Hollywood Hasbara

With its Ernest Gold score enhancing its cinematic majesty, the 1960 film Exodus tells you point blank that it’s an epic motion picture, a religious story of great myth and significance and a cast who depict historical figures in a dramatic way that transcends flesh and blood to the silver screen. Ben Hur, with its Charlton Heston-led magnificence, is not a historically accurate film; however, powerful emotion enshrined with belief and faith still makes it a great one. Exodus reaches for this same level, and sanctions the State of Israel in a manner that helped to establish the modern truth...

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Anti-War Blog – Be Proud

Anti-War Blog – Be Proud

Proud mother come and see what your soldier sons are doing, see them search crying children who no longer can walk the streets to go from home to school. They kidnap little boys, to torture or imprison. Maybe they shatter their arms and send them on their way. Cry for your soldier boys when they come home to you, ironed uniforms, medals and ribbons but gone are their child like eyes replaced by the killers gaze. Your soldier sons chose government over his own mum. Proud father can you see your sons courage, as they fight civilians who throw stones and pick up the gun. They blow to pieces...

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Information Isolation from Down Under

Information Isolation from Down Under

"Misinformation and disinformation pose a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy”– Communications Minister Michelle Rowland The Australian government is looking to further control speech and information online, deciding what its citizens may consume through stricter social media laws. The proposal is that social media platforms will be fined 5% of their global revenue should undesired posts or information be seen by Australians. This in conjunction with a South Australian ban on children under fourteen from social media....

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