Would Your Online Self Pull Over to Help a Stranger?

Would Your Online Self Pull Over to Help a Stranger?

It’s raining, late in the evening and you have been driving for most of the day. You want to get home. It’s cold and the pangs of hunger stir. You are on the home straight, and through the darkness and rain your beams of light illuminate the familiar. Suddenly ahead of you a car is on the side of the road, hazard lights flashing, a lone stranger is attempting to change a tire. Assuming that you know your way around a tire and you are not concerned for your safety, many of us would stop and offer assistance. Some may drive on, declaring that it’s none of their business. Assume that you do...

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The Harrowing Conversations

I sometimes coach (MMA etc) cops and military types. They know my opinion on certain things and I am not shy about expressing them. I at times feel a hypocrisy in working with them and have even mentioned that to them. Those few I work with, are "nice" men. Easy to get along with and just regular blokes. This past Thursday I had a heavier debate with one lad, he is ex military and now a cop. He said that it is important to have a strong government to rule over others. He says that disarmed populace is good because statistically Aus has very low stranger gun deaths (this may be due to culture...

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Now You Care About the Spilling of Blood?

Now You Care About the Spilling of Blood?

Actress Megan Fox recently claimed on social media that she and other Hollywood elites enjoy drinking each others blood, exciting those critical of Hollywood culture. In their minds it proves the evil, secret Pagan nature of the liberal American establishment. It's as though a sub-culture of drinking blood has never existed prior or that the symbolic drinking of blood and eating of the flesh of a body is not an already widely accepted ritual. In any case, a video of a woman boasting of her involvement in the voluntary ritual of blood drinking is upsetting to some. Drinking blood is bad. The...

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‘Best of the Best’: A Karate Team of Individuals

‘Best of the Best’: A Karate Team of Individuals

“A team from the United States is going to compete against Korea in a Tae Kwon Do tournament. The team consists of fighters from all over the country - can they overcome their rivalry and work together to win?" The 1980s gave us a wave of action movies like no other decade. The martial arts genre was especially popular, filled with montages, mullets, listenable soundtracks, and individuals overcoming the odds. They kicked ass. The 1989 film Best of the Best was a celebration of all of those things. A simple plot about the U.S. karate team forming, training, and then travelling to Korea to...

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The ‘Threat’ of the Big Bad Bear

The ‘Threat’ of the Big Bad Bear

At the height of the late Cold War period, Andrew Cockburn wrote The Threat, a book that explored the bear cave of assumed Soviet military dominance. Challenging the narrative of Soviet supremacy—the belief that the Red Bear not only had greater numbers in their favor but also technological marvels that were capable of ensuring swift victory in time of war—Cockburn exposed myths that had been invented: a perceived supremacy that helped justify NATO, the Pentagon’s spending sprees, and a military-industrial complicated nation state that continues to grow long after the Berlin Wall fell and...

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Medusian Liberty

Medusian Liberty

“A home might be a pretty little house Filled with people and things Comfort and ease A home might be a lean to on the beach Nothing but waves rolling in The sun on my skin A home might a tent filled with friends And wherever I go I’m home with them A home might be nothing at all Just the trees up above Songs and the stars I love Don’t tell me what my life needs to be All that I need to be home Is to be me and be free I just want to be free Living free “  Freedomcat – “Living Free” Myths are not real. They are stories that are told to convey morals and lessons. History and culture is rife...

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An Indictment of ‘Public Health’

An Indictment of ‘Public Health’

We live in an age of public health. Even in countries with private sector health care, government regulates and steers the practice of medicine. On the surface this may seem a positive. In theory it's an established framework to protect the patient and practitioners from injury and risks. It exists to coordinate in times of widespread crisis and can act as an impartial entity to protect those who are vulnerable. It can also act as the moral heart of a nation, determining the ethics and values in such a manner to guide those who are at times pragmatic or emotionally exposed when decisions...

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Warmongers Against Putin’s War

Warmongers Against Putin’s War

Revulsion to war is inconsistent for some. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought critics of this particular war to the antiwar movement, though they likely will return to their pro-war instincts when current headlines fade. For now, in the West, Vladimir Putin has been labelled as the next Adolf Hitler. Ironically Hitler was a product of the West and led a terrible invasion of Russia (a memory that lingers and moulds present day Russian foreign policy). Twenty years ago Saddam Hussein was the next Hitler. Colonel Qaddafi, Slobodan Milosevic, Mahmoud Ahmanddinejad and so on were all...

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Kym Robinson

Kym is the Harry Browne Fellow for The Libertarian Institute. Some times a coach, some times a fighter, some times a writer, often a reader but seldom a cabbage. Professional MMA fighter and coach. Unprofessional believer in liberty. I have studied, enlisted, worked in the meat industry for most of my life, all of that above jazz and to hopefully some day write something worth reading.


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