Here's my letter in support of HB0220: the Maryland Defend the Guard Act (I'll also be testifying at the hearing on February 15, 2023): HB0220 Favorable Dear House Health and Government Operations Committee: I write in support of House Bill 220, the Maryland Defend the Guard Act. In September 2001, the Bush administration was preparing a “Global War on Terrorism” in response to the attacks of September 11th. The White House expressed the desire to be granted the latitude to control the warmaking capacity of the government, which according to the U.S. Constitution is to be checked by the...
Out of the Blank Podcast: The War Machine in all its Sprawling Ignobility
Robbie Robertson interviews Laurie Calhoun on the Out of the Blank podcast about a wide range of topics, including drone killing, the war machine, the implications of the normalization of assassination using robotic devices for domestic policing, government control of the narrative, the importance of transparency, the Black Budget, the CIA, institutional conservatism, and why we cannot renounce free speech if we are to save the republic. #1341 - Laurie Calhoun - Out Of The Blank | Podcast on Spotify
Rage Against the War Machine (Together!)
The war in Ukraine has trundled on for nearly a year now, and it is hard to see an end in sight—barring nuclear conflagration. Stunningly, an increasing number of political leaders seem to believe that the outcome of the conflict will be “worth it," to invoke the phrase used by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in assessing the hundreds of thousands of dead children caused directly by U.S. foreign policy in Iraq in the 1990s. The difference in this case is that the victims of the mistakes made by “my missile is bigger than yours” politicians will affect not only the pocket books...
The Meaning of the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in 2023
On September 18, 2022, President Joe Biden told a CBS news reporter in a “Sixty Minutes” interview that “The pandemic is over.” Two months later, on November 16, 2022, at a G20 meeting in Bali, Biden signed, on behalf of the United States, a declaration which states (in Article 19) that “the pandemic is not over.” Among the provisions of the lengthy G20 agreement is a green light for the possibility of a legally binding global (supranational) vaccination passport scheme, ostensibly to facilitate international travel: “We support the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that...
Happy New Year! (The Government Did Not Save Your Life)
More than 100,000 persons died of narcotics overdoses last year in the United States, in many cases because the street drugs they used were laced with extremely potent fentanyl. If you were among the survivors of a dose of unknown provenance, the reason you are alive is that you were lucky. If the government had not made it illegal to purchase and sell drugs, then people would not have to resort to shady dealers in dark alleys and literally gamble their lives away when they ingested such substances. Not all of the victims of fentanyl overdose have been drug addicts, but some of them were,...
The Pentagon Is Neither Woke Nor Based
The U.S. military has in recent times been making a big show of its “wokeness,” not only by changing the names of institutions to comply with the demands of race activists who wish to expunge from history all traces of the Confederacy, but also in its affirmation and encouragement of persons who lead alternative lifestyles. For nearly twenty years, beginning in 1993, the military maintained a “don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy on homosexuality. Since 2011, however, openly gay persons have been permitted to serve in the armed forces. Given this context, some were surprised to learn that the...
To Save the Republic, Abolish the Black Budget
I have been puzzling over the ever-augmenting Black Budget since about the time the U.S. government began openly assassinating suspects, including U.S. citizens, without indictment, much less conviction in a court of law, for capital crimes. Tim Weiner’s groundbreaking work Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget (1990) explains how the means to commit crimes under cover of state secrets privilege all began with the Manhattan Project. Like so many other aspects of the sprawling defense and security apparatus which continues to expand like an amoeba, engulfing nearly every aspect of American...
“Losing Sway!” An American goes to Iran.
Well, not exactly, but... Laurie Calhoun was interviewed by Amir Jafari on Press TV's We The People program, "Losing Sway" (on Iranian television). Topics: effects of and connections between U.S. foreign and domestic policy; changes in the global image and influence of the United States. Episode was recorded on August 13, 2022, and broadcast on September 1, 2022. Contribution is interwoven throughout the 25 minute program.