With a resounding "Aye," Defend the Guard was made an official part of the New Hampshire Republican Party platform. On Saturday, April 13, the New Hampshire GOP held a meeting to vote on platform amendments. Among the list of proposals was the following text: "Demand that Congress exercise their sole authority over war declarations and protect the New Hampshire National Guard by requiring a Congressional declaration of war prior to any National Guardsman deployment to overseas combat zones." After some remarks from supporters, and one or two in opposition, it went to a voice vote, and the...
Do You Hear What I Hear? A Christmas Prayer for Peace
If you were to listen to the popular Bing Crosby version of the Christmas classic, "Do You Hear what I Hear?", you'd be forgiven for thinking the song is a simple diddy about the nativity of Christ, a very appropriate topic considering that this is what the holiday is about. You might also, however, notice a few anomalies with regard to the lyrics that could clue you in to the less obvious intent of Noël Regney and Gloria Shayne, the authors. For instance, why does a star have a "tail as big as a kite"? What is this "voice as big as the sea"? That doesn't sound like the silent night that is...