The Israel Lobby Ain’t Shy

They are lots of things, but not that. Members of Congress’ far-left “Squad” who have championed Palestinians in the Middle East conflict are in danger of losing their seats in Democratic primaries. The efforts to remove Reps. Cori Bush of Missouri and Jamaal Bowman of New York have gained momentum with an influx of money from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its political arm, the United Democracy Project. AIPAC-connected organizations are expected to spend up to $100 million this election cycle, mainly on House races. That is four times the $26 million the United Democracy...

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3/28/24 Trita Parsi: The Democrats are Not Serious About Reining In Israel

 Download Episode. Scott talks with Trita Parsi about the hollowness of Biden’s efforts to improve things in Gaza. They start with the Administration’s ridiculous framing, which seeks to admit that there are distasteful aspects of Israel’s Gaza campaign, but then to blame those aspects solely on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They also talk about how the war is affecting Democratic voters and the risk that this war will expand to southern Lebanon. Discussed on the show: “The US is trying to force the Israeli government’s collapse” (Al Jazeera) “Israel Abandons Its Tortured Soldiers Too”...

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3/28/24 Kit Klarenberg on the Effort to Censor Him and New Revelations about the Kosovo War

 Download Episode. Kit Klarenberg joins the show to talk about two articles he recently wrote at the Grayzone. The first deals with his ridiculous Twitter ban. He and Scott discuss the details as well as the broader effort to censor dissident voices and real journalists. They then talk about an article Klarenberg wrote, reporting new details about the West’s role in the Kosovo War twenty-five years ago. Discussed on the show: “I was banned from Elon’s ‘free speech’ X app for offending power” (The Grayzone) “Kosovo War at 25: Blair’s secret invasion plot to ‘topple Milosevic’ revealed” (The...

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How Much Does the Government Hate You?

Sometimes you might wonder: Jeez, I know my security force would just as soon murder me and my family as protect us from some danger they themselves created. But just how much do they really enjoy beating me down and stealing my money? Well: Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years

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3/28/24 Matthew Hoh on his Speech to the UN Security Council

 Download Episode. Scott brings Matthew Hoh back on to talk about a speech he gave to the UN Security Council earlier this month. They discuss the very real risk of the war in Ukraine going nuclear, the incompetency of America’s so-called national security “experts” and more. Discussed on the show: Matthew Hoh’s speech at the UN Security Council “VIPS MEMO: The French Road to Nuclear War” (Consortium News) “U.S. to Pull Out of ABM Treaty, Clearing Path for Antimissile Tests” (New York Times) Matthew Hoh is associate director at the Eisenhower Media Network and formerly worked for the U.S....

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