4/18/24 Daniel Davis: It is Immoral to Keep the War in Ukraine Going

 Download Episode. Daniel Davis was on Antiwar Radio to discuss the West’s effort to extend the war in Ukraine. He and Scott review some of the arguments he faced in a recent debate where he and John Mearsheimer faced off against some members of the foreign policy blob. They use some of the claims made in that debate to explain why extending the war is not just a mistake, but deeply immoral. Discussed on the show: Debate - Should U.S. Fund Ukraine War Again? Daniel Davis did multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan during his time in the army. He is a Senior Fellow at Defense Priorities and...

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4/18/24 Bill Buppert on the Threat of Terrorist Attacks after October 7 and the Changing Nature of Warfare

 Download Episode. Scott interviews Bill Buppert, the new Smedley D. Butler Fellow for Military Affairs at the Libertarian Institute, about some of the topics he’s covered on his podcast, Chasing Ghosts. They discuss stoicism, Scott’s concern about a bin Ladenite terrorist attack happening in America, the ongoing slaughter in Gaza, the changing nature of warfare and more. Discussed on the show: Bridge of Spies (IMDb) Chasing Ghosts Episode 39 Stoicism: Who Dares Leads “A Military Solution to a Political Problem (Substack) Debate - Should U.S. Fund Ukraine War Again? Day of Wrath by William...

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Joe Biden is Such a Liar

He lies about everything. This time it's his uncle Ambrose who was lost at sea during WWII. Genocide Joe lies that he was eaten by cannibals, smearing the people of Papua New Guinea, who fought as America's allies in that war.

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An American Bombing

The most mainstream documentary about the truth behind the Oklahoma Bombing is now running on HBO. An American Bombing is a great, if partial, vindication of the great work of Glenn and Kathy Wilburn, J.D. Cash, Roger Charles, Jesse Trentadue, Richard Booth, Wendy Painting, William Jasper, Charles Key, Mark Hamm and many other great truth-tellers on this issue over the last 29 years. https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=75077270

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The Waco Tragedy

Last year, I sat down with author David Hardy and filmmaker Dan Gifford for a 13-hour in-depth review of the ATF, FBI and US Army's slaughter of the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas on this day in 1993. Also feat. James Tabor, Paul Fatta, David Thibodeau, Jim Bovard, Barbara Grant and Mike McNulty. Listen here.

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TSA Gets a Raise

Are you bummed because inflation's got you again wit' yer broke ass? Well take heart. Federal Government employees are doing better than ever at your expense. So at least they've got that going for them.

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