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I Am Grateful For My Suffering

I am grateful for my suffering. I truly am. These are not words I utter in some halfhearted, feeble effort to brighten my mood or motivate my day. Fortunately for me, I am not battling depression. It’s been a challenging few years; Entrepreneurship. Battling Cancer. Cash flow. Covid. Battling Socialized Healthcare. Infected Stingray Stings. The list goes on. When one problem is mitigated, more will arise. Count on that. There existed a list of excruciating pain points preceding those mentioned above. Some I thought I might not survive. Even with all the mountains to climb there’s one truth...

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Inflation. Today’s inflammatory word of the day. Apparently, I’m permitted to share critical thought in this regard since I majored in Finance and Econ in college, correct? I haven’t written anything on today’s other hot topic, Ukraine. With 13 years of military intelligence experience apparently, I might be permitted to posses and share a thought there as well. Scott Horton has done, as always, a wonderful job in this regard so what more is there to say really? My quick take; there are no good guys in this story. None. So, Inflation. Side A: Joe Biden is the worst! Side B: Greedy capitalist...

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The Paradox of Authority

Every government in human history has eventually collapsed. Even Plato recognized this inevitability and theorized the average State lifespan was around 300 years. Must it be this way? Is it avoidable? Sadly, I don’t believe so. There is no resolution for the Paradox of Authority. What does a State desire? In a broad, “collective” sense? Leaving aside any naturally malevolent aims or outcomes, any high browed conspiracy theories, proven, admitted or otherwise. Even assuming that every State employee is a well-intentioned public servant, the collective State wants the exact same thing as any...

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For Every Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction

I never speak it out loud, but recently I’m constantly repeating a movie our daughter used to watch when she was little. Over the Hedge I believe it was called. I constantly hear the little squirrel straining to see the end of the newly constructed impediment, in his little voice, “it never ends! It never ends THAT way too.” That’s my current state of mind regarding our virally motivated political theater. I have discovered a couple new stouts though that are truly fantastic. Always have to find the hidden positives I suppose. I mentioned a few months ago the correlation between disease...

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A Cancer Battle Nears Its End

In October of 2018 I was diagnosed with an aggressive, Stage 3 Lymphoma. Chemotherapy started by December of that same year. It was a winding path toward that discovery. Luckily for me, a good friend had the identical diagnosis three years before me and had made a full recovery. He even received the exact same treatment I was scheduled to start. The treatment had been experimental when he underwent the program, funded by research through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I’m an outgoing guy. Never short of words. LOL Knowing that, Mike came after me to run this Man of the Year campaign...

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Build Back Braver

Build Back Braver

2020 is coming to a lumbering close. Thankfully right? I see so many celebrating the end of a miserable year. I don’t think the New Year matters much though, and I’m always the optimist in the room. I remember reading somewhere last February, can’t remember who said it, but it was stated that the coming pandemic was going to be a “9/11” for America. I scoffed indignantly. I was so wrong. That’s precisely what it came to be. “It’s a virus” I thought. Humans are very aware of viruses and what they are, how they function and it’s a risk associated with being alive on this planet that we’ve all...

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