Shh. Don't tell Facebook, YouTube or Twitter about this comic. Be a shame to retweet. More comics at the Webomic Factory.
The Antiwar Comic: Rinse and Repeat
There are many kinds of fear, but it's always used for the same reason. More comics at the Webcomic Factory.
The Antiwar Comic: Enter the Journo!
You're favorite hero is back! For more comics, visit The Webcomic Factory.
The Antiwar Comic: Biden Derangement Syndrome
It's here and it's worse. For more comics, visit the Webcomic Factory.
The Antiwar Comic: Everyone Saw It Coming
Hey, was there anything in the news this week? Check out my comics at the Webcomic Factory and my books at Amazon.
The Antiwar Comic: Afghanistan Forever
Not much of a difference is there? More comics at The Webcomic Factory. And check out my gun-positive novella series, The Pineys!
The Antiwar Comic: The Thing to Look For
In other words, war never changes. More comics at the Webcomic Factory.
The Antiwar Comic: You Can’t Change Someone’s Politics
Man, this one really infuriated the commenters on Imgur for some reason. It's almost like you can't speak your mind on the Internet or something. More comics at the Webcomic Factory.