Anti-War Blog – A Razz Through X

by | Sep 12, 2024

I log onto X (formerly Twitter) for the first time in awhile. The news feed is aghast with Trump vs Harris post debate ‘analysis’ and ‘9/11’ ‘evidence’ and memes. The Truther stuff, central bankers planned the sinking of the Titanic sort of thing. The usual George Bush or Mossad and perhaps alien reptiles detonated the towers and Pentagon. It was an insurance scam while Bush kept reading with the little kids. Among them are strewn accounts of comedy memes and rage bait to invoke racial or partisan hate. Then I see an account I actually follow, Dave DeCamp re-posting an article about 64 people murdered. He is buried beneath a man wearing a Mike Myers mask scaring drivers, another account I don’t follow. It’s all just a meme to wade through the memes.

One can scroll on past Dave’s post if not in the mood. Should “self care” come first, whatever that means so look at more memes, maybe swallow some narcissism porn posted to remind one that You are special or the most important creation. “You got this!” or perhaps you desire motivation, to be motivated to sit through more memes maybe? I see a lion and Tom Hardy, words trickle beneath their image, words they never spoke or wrote. Things about “loyalty”, “grind” and “hard work” then “rizz”. I come across another account I follow, reminding me of those who live in a world where they can’t express such rizz only heartbreak.

I find a Wikileaks post, beneath it a meme account that I don’t follow shows a clip of young US Airmen standing at attention. Rigid in crisp blue uniforms, apparently they can’t break attention until they are tapped on the shoulder. In each clip their young child reaches for a Daddy, while a crying mother holds it. The child taps his shoulder, the airman breaks, embrace and tears or maybe tears and embrace. The religion of state so formal, that it comes first, before a child and wife. Beneath the meme of crying airmen, an image from Gaza of babies whose parents now weep. They are limp bodies, no hand taps their shoulder to break them from their pose. Those US airman are loving and caring, but if asked would they have loaded the bombs or crewed the planes that generations ago laid waste to SE Asia, killing more children and families in a war that’s past tense for their nation.

Another anti-war post by Dave, I know he is a loving father, I see those proud images shared on social media. The importance of being a father, a loving man to a family. Most claim that comes first, but then they go abroad to fight for strangers because of nation, tribe, empire, tradition, honour or pay. Whatever the cause and reason, imperialism or glory or maybe just adventure. They go. The enemies always there, so long as they keep going to make and find them. Even those enemies who never threw a stone, who never fired a shot or even saw a map. Enemies all the same because they are there, and the fathers had to go, leaving families far behind. Meme accounts love to show that too, when the uniforms come home to lovers, children, even the family pet. Tears. They have returned, but returned from doing what and who exactly for? Sssh! don’t ruin the feelings porn.

It’s all about reaction, engagement. Emotions are apparent enough that we can feel a stir for those in uniform who are re-united with their families, crying babies in Dad’s loving arms. Weeping wife holding her man. Or maybe it was Mum who went abroad, leaving everything that matters far behind. The call to serve more important than husband and child, government’s able bodied heroes. Those memes always thrive, shared and tissues close at hand, “onions” many a comment claims, admission of teary eyes. But beneath the babies in war zones far less care. That’s not a meme. Grey, limp and lifeless children murdered by Mummies and Daddies who chose service to their government first. It’s how genocides are waged. They bought it on themselves… claims the jingoistic braves.

Killing and separating families is not new. It can be done for a litany of reasons. During Covid we saw the religion of borders segregate bloodlines. I recall seeing on the Queensland and New South Wales border. People coming to gaze from a slight distance at one another, the government deciding where they can and can not go. A magical invisible line enforced by those paid to do so. Despite such heartbreak and arbitrary laws invented on the fly the government and virus won, winning in the sense that one lingers on and the other grew and remains the per-eminent religion of the land. Violent, imperial and a monopoly of intolerance to alternatives. Those moments were memes as well, though some viewing it as a sacrifice a call to “returning to normal” while others saw it as a vile misstep of power. The power remains. Memories of such moments vaccinated away.

Maybe that is how we communicate now, in memes. Far less read. It’s too hard to digest words and formulate thoughts. Attention spans dwindle so we need the image with a caption or bite sized moving shorts. Music helping us to understand what we are meant to feel. Simple narratives, often deception being used, information is entertainment so it matters little if it’s true or not, engagement and a virus of shares. The same memes recycled but few seem to care.

An event occurs, explosion killing many, school shooter murders children or an assassins bullet ends a life is all conjured into a speculative swarm. Memers will declare it all to be fake, invented, a deception, distraction, crisis actors and part of the agenda. A devious calculation made by the most competent, coordinated by godly beings on Earth. All powerful, all knowing and ever so clever that they can orchestrate it with such perfection. Symbols and signs and patterns emerge. That cloud looks like an elephant. A tanker hits a bridge, a man shoots up movie goers in a cinema or a balloon strays high above mainland USA. All has a reason that leads into one culminating moment, the Smoking Man said so, a Reddit post explained as such. John Titor warned us all years ago, maybe it was “Uncle Ted” or even David Icke and Irving they said words that are poignant, the patterns align anything outside is controlled opposition or part of the system. Nuance is lies. The codes all in the Bible and along with Nostradamus too.

The distrust of the regime or status quo ever apparent that even the repulsive becomes appealing. Hitler and Nazi’s, the justly pariah are dragged out again, again, again… Because the establishment seeks to ban them, makes them taboo, they shine ever so brighter like glitter on coal. ‘The books they banned were all anti-woke’, ‘the ovens could never cook that many pizzas’ and ‘all communists are Jews’, so goes the memes and tomes. The Tankies just as bad, Nazi’s being evil must mean that commies are good. Stalin opposed Hitler, ergo he is a hero. Binaries, everything is boiled into such. An ocean of information, digital and otherwise and yet the thinking goes that we only have two choices. At least each week on the news feed I see footage of a man that finds his lost homeless dog, after three years apart. Hitler loved dogs too. See patterns. Three. 1933. Something likely to do with how Taylor Swift held the microphone.

I go back to the feed and see Ace try to reason with the unreasonable and local Australian pundits argue what age a child should be jailed. “Ban them from social media!”, “too young to understand”, “jail them for crimes, they are old enough to know better.” The mathematics of consent requiring party political affiliation to comprehend. Further down an old man is out walking his turtle in Japan, maybe they know the answer. Apparently Neo from The Matrix has a passport that expires on 11 September, 2001. What did the Wachowski’s know? Apparently the film was produced by Jews, there are no coincidences. Everything by design. If the memers are right, then why would you not want them to rule, clearly they are omnipotent gods of men. Masters of all, suited to rule.

Enough social media for today. Too much wisdom, so much insight. I will just listen to Dave’s podcast, no stream of memes or miasma of myths. Just facts, information. Focused, specific for those who care to know. Information not infotainment. Seek and ye shall find, if you want that is.

Feeble old man Biden put on a Trump hat, the crowd clapped and smiled. The leader of the free world can retire now, good job Joe. Good boy. Who wants some ice cream? Come and get it, so long as your not a child in Gaza.

Kym Robinson

Kym Robinson

Kym is the Harry Browne Fellow for The Libertarian Institute. Some times a coach, some times a fighter, some times a writer, often a reader but seldom a cabbage. Professional MMA fighter and coach. Unprofessional believer in liberty. I have studied, enlisted, worked in the meat industry for most of my life, all of that above jazz and to hopefully some day write something worth reading.

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