Well he thought he was murdering a protester but it was actually someone with rights he was bound to respect. Oops.
Man 1.
Well he thought he was murdering a protester but it was actually someone with rights he was bound to respect. Oops.
Man 1.
Pig can fly on occasion as the F35 Porkulus Project continues to bleed oceans of money. Welcome to Clown World: the F-35 requires nearly 9 million lines of computer code. Meanwhile, Apollo 11's Lunar Lander needed only 145,000 lines of code. There are three variants...
I just spent my last podcast episode making the case to dismantle and eliminate the US Marine Corps and they are doing a splendid job of sealing the deal through their latest acquisition fiascos and the Osprey aircraft follies continuing to fall down on the job....
Yesterday I discussed the reasons why we need to dismantle and close down the United States Marine Corps. One of those reasons is the Light Amphibious Warship (now called the Landing Ship, Medium, LSM), a small landing ship which would ferry small Marine units...