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Disgusting, Degenerate Congressman Tim Walberg Demands Genocide Against Palestinians

by | Mar 30, 2024

timwalbergheadshotMichigan lawmaker says Gaza should be approached ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.’

He added that the U.S. should also “wipe out Russia” instead of wasting money on humanitarian aid and other effeminate things like that.

That’s what Zionism does, it turns people evil.

These people talk a big game about fearing Jesus Christ, but I don’t think they really mean it.

Scott Horton

Scott Horton

Scott Horton is director of the Libertarian Institute, editorial director of, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He is the author of four books. He has conducted more than 6,000 interviews since 2003. Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Larisa Alexandrovna Horton.

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