Israel: land of the absolute most disgusting, degenerate scum on the planet earth.
And here they are murdering an old man and laughing about it.
And get your hand out of my pocket, n-word.
At the Libertarian Institute, we feature independent intellectuals who strive to understand our world and communicate that understanding to you. We don’t work for Lockheed or K Street or Qatar. We work for you. Support the Libertarian Institute Today!
Israel: land of the absolute most disgusting, degenerate scum on the planet earth.
And here they are murdering an old man and laughing about it.
And get your hand out of my pocket, n-word.
New WarNotes Podcast episode is live Monday 17 February 2025. The age of the infantry is over after a thousands-year long reign in human warfare and conflict. The next 75 years in the 21st century will put paid to an august and enduring institution in human conflict....
Coincidence isn’t a thing, but synchronicity is. You never know why you’re put in somebody’s life.
A declaration of the University of the Intuitively Obvious. Spicy times ahead. My Substack  Email me at