President Stubb in Finland wants to expand the armed forces in Finland.
Take a look at Finland on a map. Largest contiguous border with Russia in Europe. A population of 5.6 million. 5.6 million in one of the largest countries in Europe. The international border between Finland and Russia is 1,340 km long. Total Army strength is below 50k.
Then Finland joins NATO, the organization that has been provoking the bear for decades. And now they discovered they are in a saber-rattling and frothing-at-the-mouth provocative EU/SSR that is begging for greater conflict with Russia.
Hence all the usual suspects are trying to arm the struggling and bloodied animated corpse of Ukraine to save their own cowardly skins from the threat they created with the inexorable move eastward of the NATO blob.
Buckle up, snowflakes.
Finnish President Alexander Stubb considers the chances of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin agreeing to a ceasefire in Ukraine are “abysmal.”
“Putin doesn’t want peace,” Stubb said during an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) aired on Sunday. Putin’s original goal was for Ukraine to “cease to exist,” Stubb said, adding that “he has not changed his goal.”
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