News Roundup 11/9/17

by | Nov 9, 2017

  • Steve Bannon said George W Bush was the most destructive president in US history. [Link]
  • The USA LIBERTY ACT passes its House committee. The bill will renew the FISA 702 program and expand the government’s ability to spy on Americans. [Link]
  • The Acting Army Secretary suggested the US military should do less overseas. [Link]
  • Trump was unable to visit the DMZ due to weather. [Link]
  • A US general warns the UK is close to missing its NATO commitments. [Link]
  • The US could have almost 16,000 troops in Afghanistan next year. [Link]
  • Spain claims to have annulled the Catalan independence. Catalans continue to strike and protest against the Catalan government. [Link]
  • The UK is deploying four Typhoons to Romania. [Link]
  • ISIS lost control of their last stronghold in Syria. ISIS only controls a few villages in Syria. [Link]
  • The UN says Saudi Arabia must lift the blockade of Yemen to avoid a massive famine. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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