News Roundup 12/10/16

by | Dec 10, 2016

  • Trump offers Gary Cohn the position of National Economic Council Director. Cohn is the President and COO of Goldman Sachs. Cohn has not announced if he will accept the position. [Link]
  • Trump picks Andy Pudzer to head the US Department of Labor. Pudzer is the chief executive of CKE restaurants. He opposes the new labor department rule on overtime for salaried workers. [Link]
  • Trump selects Terry Branstad to be Ambassador to China. Branstad is currently the governor of Iowa. China is said to be happy with this selection. [Link]
  • Much of the post-election attention on fake news has focused on how it helped to elect Donald Trump. Glenn Greenwald looks into pro-Clinton journalist and experts also spreading fake news throughout the election. [Link]
  • The Washington Post publishes an article claiming an anonymous source revealed to them that the CIA concluded that Russia intervened into the US election to get Trump elected. An Intercept article explains why the Washington Post article is far from quality journalism and gives several reasons why readers should be skeptical about the claims. [Link]
  • An Alabama man was put to death last night by lethal injection after the US Supreme Court denied his stay of execution. The man coughed and struggled for breath during his execution. [Link]
  • The City of Chicago will pay out 5 million to two families who had family members killed by Chicago police officers. [Link]
  • Twitter has severed its contracts with Geofeedia, Media Sonar, and Snaptrends. These companies provide police with information on social media users location, the topic of the post, and the time the post was made. [Link]
  • Only half of 30-year-old Americans make more than their parents. In 1970 92% of 30-year-old Americans made more than their parents. [Link]
  • This article is a look into the Philippines war on drugs. Over 800,000 have been arrested and thousands murdered by this war started by the president. [Link]
  • A Marine who ejected from his F-18 during a training mission in Japan has been found dead. [Link]
  • Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter visits Afghanistan and reconfirms the US will continue to be involved in the country. The US currently has about 10,000 troops in Afghanistan. [Link]
  • A US soldier dies from wounds he received in November when a suicide bomber attacked US soldiers in Afghanistan. He is the 9th US soldier to die in Afghanistan this year. [Link]
  • The US will send 200 more troops to Syria to help Kurdish and Arab anti-ISIS forces. This will bring the total number of US troops in Syria to 500. [Link]
  • Russia claims that the Syrian government now controls 93% of Aleppo. Airstrikes against the Syrian rebels are currently paused to allow civilians to leave rebel-held areas but will resume once civilians are out of the area. [Link]
  • The US intentionally bombs a Mosul hospital that was being used as a command center by ISIS fighters. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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