- In response to Trump wanting to expand America’s nuclear weapons capabilities, Putin says he is unsurprised by Trump’s statements and does not want a nuclear arms race. [Link]
- 94% of the jobs created in the Obama economy were not full-time jobs. [Link]
- A Tennessee man was wrongly convicted of rape and burglary. The man spent 31 years in prison before DNA evidence proved he was not guilty of the crime. When he was released from prison, the state only gave him $75. The Tennessee Board of Parole is refusing to exonerate him of the crime. Unless he is exonerated, he will not be able to seek a larger settlement from the state. [Link]
- After the New Year, all school fights in Missouri will end with the fighters being arrested and charged with a Class E Felony. [Link]
- A California man has been charged with a DUI when the toxicology report shows he only had caffeine in his system. [Link]
- Ben Swann breaks down why the DEA’s move to make CBD oil a schedule 1 drug is stupid. [Link]
- Bodies that were donated to medical research were actually sold to the US military. The US military blew up the bodies while testing to see the effects of explosives on the bodies. [Link]
- Video surfaces of the Berlin terrorist pledging allegiance to ISIS and saying he wanted to take revenge on Western countries for bombing Muslims. [Link]
- The UN Security Council votes 14-0 to condemn the Israeli settlements built in the occupied territories. The US abstained from the vote. [Link]
- Between Thursday evening and Friday morning, Turkish bombers killed 88 civilians in Syria. This included 27 children who died in the attacks. [Link]
- After evacuating East Aleppo, Syrian rebels are now shelling Aleppo from outside of the city. The shelling that started 24 hours after the evacuation has killed 6 civilians. [Link]