
A Barrel of Rotten Apples

Government actors are a part of the population.

Government actors are a part of the population.

Government actors are a part of the population.

Government actors are a part of the population.

Government actors are a part of the population.

Government actors are a part of the population.

Government actors are a part of the population.

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The theory is that because people can’t be trusted with freedom, we need to have a government to control them. Where do we get these people from? From the same pool that “people need to be protected from.”

If all of the apples are rotten which one do you pick to eat? Has it ever occurred to you that evil people may desire government power so they can operate with impunity?

Stupid Pigs

Bash in the door of an innocent naked woman and hold her with a gun to her head and terrorizing her three-year-old nephew because they got the wrong house while looking for a non-violent burglar. I guess she’s lucky they didn’t just blow her head off while shouting “furtive!” “waistband!”

These cops should be shot out of giant trebuchets out to sea to drown and be eaten by sharks.

Oh you don’t think so? How about if they did this to your mom? Alright then, shut the f- up.

Cop Kills Boy

Teenagers messing around, broke into a vacant home, neighbor, an off-duty prison guard, call cops, cops come, kids jump fence, cop neighbor waiting in ambush shoots one of the kids in the back, killing him dead.

And guess what? No charges. Because “the law” is just silly, pretend bullshit. In fact government is itself a conspiracy to keep its employees from facing accountability at all costs. “Law” is for mundanes like you to be subjected to. It’s for them to administer and so of course they grant themselves defacto and dejure immunity even when they murder children.

Degenerate scumbag Denver District Attorney Beth McCann is the real criminal here. And she’ll never be held accountable either.

John McCain’s Staff Endorse Biden, Explicitly Because He’s Worse on War

New York Times:

More than 100 former staff members for Senator John McCain are supporting Joseph R. Biden Jr., a show of support across the political divide that they hope amplifies the “Country First” credo of the former Arizona senator.

Many of the onetime McCain aides who signed the letter share his hawkish foreign policy views and recoil from Mr. Trump’s “America First” politics, which Mr. Salter called his “coddling of dictators or disinterest in our alliances.”

Got that? “Country First” means world empire and endless war; while on the contrary, “America First” means world empire and endless war at the hands of someone who whines about it sometimes.


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