
Cops Frame Dozens of Innocent People With Fake Heroin

In Raleigh, NC.

Oh well though that’s just “collateral damage” in the great drug war right folks?

Like my friend’s sister who they killed with an “experimental” new pain killer since her doctors were afraid of what the federal cops might do if they found out he was giving her what she needed.

How dare any of you people not hate government as much as I do? What the hell is wrong with you anyway?

How Many Times Must It Be Brought Up?

The police are not there to protect you. The courts have ruled on this over and over again.

Castle Rock v Gonzalez

Lozito v NYC

(Interview with Mr Lozito here)

Warren v District of Columbia

The discussion that continues by the pundits, even “respectable” ones, fails to mention the fact that police have no mandate to protect an individual, or their property. Until that fact enters into the conversation, it is difficult to take any reform talk seriously.




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