
The Counter Revolution

Police and fireman are a powerful force in city politics. They show up and vote. Union members are active in door-to-door politics. The politicians need them to raise revenue and protect them from the wrath of the masses. Now they are threatening their paychecks.

This is Your Security Force


Bill Arkin: Trump Moves Military Forces to Near-Wartime Alert Level in D.C.

This is not good:

The Pentagon has ordered forces and bases in the Washington D.C. area to “Force Protection Condition Charlie,” a threat condition that indicates “likely” targeting of military forces and or terrorist action and the second highest alert level available.

The state of higher alert was ordered as of 7:30 a.m. Tuesday morning for the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. The order follows a rapidly moving and confusing set of statements and threats coming out of the White House in the previous 24 hours. During this period, President Donald Trump has threatened state governors with federal intervention, and appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley as the commander of federal forces—a legally questionable order. Under the law, the chairman serves as the principal military adviser to the president, not a military commander.

Keep reading.

Chinese Laughing at Us

How badly off course is the USA when the Chinese Communist Party’s essentially fascist dictatorship can credibly laugh and mock our failures like this?

The Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump governments have driven this country into the ground with their horrible foreign, economic and police state policies and made a mockery out of our slogans of freedom.

“The violent protests in the streets of urban America are further discrediting the U.S. in the eyes of ordinary Chinese,” said Susan Shirk, chair of the U.C. San Diego 21st Century China Center. “The propaganda depicts American politicians as hypocrites living in glass houses while throwing stones at China.”

Ms. Shirk said that as the reputation of the United States suffers in China, fewer people might be willing to voice support for American ideals, such as free markets and civil liberties.

“Even without the propaganda, Chinese people nowadays find little to admire in the U.S.,” she said. “As the U.S. model is tarnished, the voice of Chinese liberals is silenced.”

Great job remaking the world, guys.


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