Donor Matching Funds Announced!

A generous donor has offered to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar for the next $10,000 raised, doubling the impact of your donation and helping us reach our fundraising goal faster.

$18,235 of $60,000 raised


Another Successful Fundraiser and the Year Ahead

Another Successful Fundraiser and the Year Ahead

rd1I cannot express how grateful I am, and all the staff and writers here at the Institute are, for your vote of confidence in our work.

We’ve got an incredible year ahead. I’m working on my new book with Darryl Cooper now, Provoked: America’s Role in the Russia-Ukraine War.

But before that is done, we’re going to publish Laurie Calhoun’s Questioning the COVID Company Line, her great collection of told-you-so-at-the-time essays for the Institute in opposition to the germ regime of the last few years and William Van Wagenen’s absolutely incredible Origins of the Dirty War on Syria Revisited: How US Planners Launched an Al-Qaeda-led Regime Change War Masked as Popular Protest and Revolution.

After Provoked is done, we’ll be hard at work on a collection of Justin Raimondo’s articles, Behind the Headlines: Justin Raimondo Takes on the War Party.

Our good friend Brad Hoff and his co-author Zachary Wingerd are also working on a book about the dirty war in Syria, and there are a few more in the works as well — and that’s just the books!

Every day our great writers and podcasters produce great new material for us all to use in our fight for freedom and to make this country a less-worse place to live. So stay tuned, we will be right here!


Health Department Pours Bleach on “Unregulated” Food for Homeless!

Health Department Pours Bleach on “Unregulated” Food for Homeless!

If the government didn’t have a monopoly on security, only rich people would be able to have security just like when the government got out of other businesses, the only cars produced were limousines, the only clothes produced were tuxedos and the only food produced was foie gras.

– Michael Malice

All I ever wanted to do was find a way to pay Will Grigg

All I ever wanted to do was find a way to pay Will Grigg

William Norman Grigg was the kindest, smartest, best educated and most eloquent American spokesman for the cause of liberty, on the radio or in print — ever.

But the poor guy was always broke, trying to hold together a giant family while writing freelance articles for a living after losing his last full-time job in 2006.

In late 2016, while I was lamenting the fact that my friend was having to host another personal fundraiser to get by, it finally dawned on me: we could do a thing together. Two hosts and writers working together equals something! And hey, I bet we can get Sheldon Richman too!


I only ever got to pay Will one time before he died in 2017. I’m not even sure if he knew.

I will never stop missing Will or his work.

I almost hung it up then. But Sheldon talked me out of it. We’ve got a great little thing going here, and we should not abandon it, he insisted. As sad as we were about Will passing, we were already starting to collect a great group of writers and podcast hosts, and carve out a real place for ourselves in the movement.

And so we have pushed on over the last five years. And we have begun to build one hell of a great organization.

In these crazy times, in the darkest depths of the American culture wars, we are doing our part to keep the focus on freedom, decentralization, anti-government and anti-imperial activism, and of course, sound, Austrian School economics.

Along with Sheldon, we have long-time libertarian heavy-hitters Laurie Calhoun and James Bovard, along with all our rising stars of the next generation.

We have got a hell of a lot of government to oppose and liberty to fight for in this new era.

Help keep the Institute going into the new year, and we will keep doing everything we can to honor the legacy of our hero Will Grigg.

Donate today and write it off on your taxes!

We even have $20,000 worth of matching funds, so you can double your donation!

Thank you everyone, very much. Happy New Year.

Race, Climate, Islam, and WWIII – Libertarian Institute Roundtable

Race, Climate, Islam, and WWIII – Libertarian Institute Roundtable

…[W]e now have the first complete data set of all suicide terrorist attacks around the world from 1980 to 2009,…research on who becomes a suicide terrorist showed that virtually none could be diagnosed as mentally ill, while many were religious and, most striking, nearly all emerged from communities resisting foreign military occupation….

From 1980 to 2003, there were 345 completed suicide terrorist attacks by 524 suicide terrorists who actually killed themselves on a mission to kill others, half of whom are secular. The world leader was the Tamil Tigers (a secular, Hindu group) who carried out more attacks than Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) during this period. Further, at least a third of the suicide attacks in predominantly Muslim countries were carried out by secular terrorist groups, such as the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Turkey. Instead of religion, what over 95% of all suicide terrorist attacks before 2004 had in common was a strategic goal: to compel a democratic state to withdraw combat forces that are threatening territory that the terrorists’ prize. From Lebanon to Sri Lanka to the West Bank to Chechnya, the central goal of every suicide terrorist campaign has been to resist military occupation by a democracy….

It was the Hindu, avowedly antireligious Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka, whose 157 suicide terrorists totaled more than Hamas and all other Palestinian suicide groups combined. Of the Palestinian suicide terrorists, more than a third were from secular groups, such as the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Of the suicide terrorists associated with Hezbollah in Lebanon during the 1980s, only 21% were Islamic fundamentalists while 71% were communists and socialists; 8% were Christians. In Turkey, 100% of the PKK’s suicide attackers were secular. Overall, Islamic fundamentalism cannot account for over half of the known affiliations of the 524 total suicide terrorists from 1980 to 2003—184 were from Islamic fundamentalist groups (35% comprising 73 Al Qaeda, 5 Lebanese, 5 Kashmiri Rebels, 69 Hamas, 34 Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and 236 from secular groups (45% comprising 157 Tamil Tigers, 42 Al-Aqsa, 22 Lebanese, 15 PKK), while 12 (21%) had unknown ideological affiliations….

Further, notice that there are no suicide attackers from Iran—one of the largest Islamic fundamentalist populations in the world, with a population greater than Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and Syria combined.

– Robert Pape and James K. Feldman, Cutting the Fuse

My Body My Choice: Abolish the FDA

My Body My Choice: Abolish the FDA


If you visit you will find a section titled “products we regulate”. Such products include: food, drugs, medical devices, tobacco, cosmetics, and vaccines.

The word “regulate” in this case translates to “we have a legal monopoly on what consenting adults can sell and put in their bodies. If someone does not obey our arbitrary standards they will be arrested by the police, separated from their families, and shot if they resist the police.”

I have nothing against voluntarily funded stamp of approval agencies such as Underwriters Laboratory since people can choose to opt out of associating with them if they don’t think they are credible. The FDA brags about having standards, but the second someone says “the FDA doesn’t meet my standards I’m going around them”, the FDA cries foul. There are hundreds of these voluntary professional certification organizations each competing for consumers with their reputations.

Either competent adults own themselves or someone else, the state, owns their bodies.

Anyone who advocates the principle of “my body my choice” must consistently reject the existence of the Food and Drug Administration.

They cry of every imperialist is “I forcibly control you for your own good!”. If it was really for our own good, they would respect our right to trade and consume without their permission.

Marco Rubio is Dumber Than I Thought

Marco Rubio is Dumber Than I Thought

After spending six years complaining about “BigTech Monopolies” Marco Rubio now want’s to ban BigTech competitors.

It doesn’t matter that tens of millions of Americans voluntarily choose to use TikTok, or that thousands make a living using this product.

Marco Rubio believes he owns your body, your time, and the property you worked to acquire.

The American Declaration of Independence answer to TikTok: If people don’t want the app, they have the right not to use it. If people want to use it, they can.

My phone my choice, my time my choice, my body my choice, & my money Slavery Lover Rubio.

I look forward to Rubio banning all companies in bed with the Biden Regime & the NSA!

Could TikTok get BANNED in America?! Marco Rubio EXPOSES the CPP’s true plot of viral spyware app

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 15, 2022

The Secret to Seeing Through “News” Propaganda!

The Secret to Seeing Through “News” Propaganda!

Excerpt from Knowledge, Reality, and Value: A Mostly Common Sense Guide to Philosophy by Michael Huemer, Ph.D.

Humans are born credulous – we instinctively believe what people tell us, even with no corroboration. We are especially credulous about statistics or other information that sounds like objective facts. Unfortunately, we are not so scrupulous when it comes to accurately and non-misleadingly reporting facts. There is an enormous amount of disinformation in the world, particularly about politics and other matters of public interest. If the public is interested in it, there is bullshit about it.
I have noticed that this bullshit tends to fall into three main categories.

First, ideological propaganda. If you “learn” about an issue from a partisan source – for instance, you read about gun control on a gun control advocacy website, or you hear the day’s news from a conservative radio show – you will get pretty much 100% propaganda. Facts will be exaggerated, cherry picked, deceptively phrased, or otherwise misleading. Normally, you will have no way of guessing the specific way in which the information is deceptive, making the information essentially worthless for drawing inferences.

Second, sensationalism. Mainstream news sources make money by getting as many people as possible to watch their shows, read their articles, and so on. To do that, they try to make everything sound as scary, exciting, outrageous, or otherwise dramatic as possible.

Third, laziness. Most people who write for public consumption are lazy and lack expertise about the things they write about. If a story has some technical aspect (e.g., science news), journalists probably won’t understand it, and they may get basic facts backwards. Also, they often just talk to one or a few sources and print whatever those sources say, even if the sources have obvious biases.



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