
Texas Cops v. Journalism


In April 2017, [Priscilla] Villarreal, who reports near the U.S.-Mexico border, broke a story about a Border Patrol agent who committed suicide. A month later, she released the surname of a family involved in a fatal car accident. The agency that confirmed both pieces of information: the Laredo Police Department. The agency that would bring felony charges against her six months later for those acts of journalism: the Laredo Police Department.


At the core of Villarreal’s misfortune is a Texas law that allows the state to prosecute someone who obtains nonpublic information from a government official if he or she does so “with intent to obtain a benefit.” Villarreal operates her popular news-sharing operation on Facebook, where her page, Lagordiloca News, has amassed 200,000 followers as of this writing.

Build a Wall Around DC

I have a suggestion for the Republicans. There is unanimous support for a wall. An impregnable wall. A wall that will not leak. Not a Maginot Line. A greater wall than the Great Wall of China. I suggest a Fortress America.
Yes. A fortress. Impregnable. A wall against the increase in spending. Not one more additional dollar of spending. No loopholes. No leaks. Not an additional dollar of spending. We fix spending at today’s level. Not inflation-adjusted spending. Nominal spending. We wall the growth of government. No more growth of government. No more spending.
Let’s not build a physical wall around the boundaries, borders, and perimeters of our country. Let’s build a wall around Washington DC. An absolute spending freeze. Our freedom and prosperity depends upon this wall.
That is the wall I suggest Republicans support!

“The first panacea of a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permeant ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.”- Ernest Hemingway

Why So Many Americans Have a Crush on Putin

Why So Many Americans Have a Crush on Putin


When our President, Joe Biden, discusses America it primarily involves talking down to us. Reminding us about slavery, racism/”white man culture“, inequality, grandma killers who question Fauci, MAGA “extremists” too stupid to know there were no anomalies in the 2020 election, sexism, how we’re murdering the planet, and how violent we are with guns. Democrats are the party of “Unnecessary division among people of goodwill.”

When Putin speaks about Russia he primarily is proud of his country and brags about their culture, architecture, history, accomplishments, and the bright future they share.

Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules. (Applause.)

– Vladimir Putin, Sept 30th, 2022

Seconds after mentioning the assassination of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in Japan, Joe Biden compared gun violence in America to gun violence in Japan. Of course he didn’t compare gun violence in Japan with gun violence in America among Japanese Americans as any honest intellectual would. Every chance he gets, Biden (and almost every Democrat) tells us how horrible we are.

Another reason is the fact that University professors and the corporate press lie frequently. When people hear a taboo truth from Putin, it becomes a “Red Pill Moment” which makes them want more from the same source, they then grow to see Putin as a truth warrior.

Granted they are truths only about the U.S. regime. For example in the Putin Interviews you can learn the truth (or at least an alternative explanation) about privatization, Al-Qaeda, NATO, A Unipolar State, Democrat v. Republican policies, Crimea, nuclear weapons, WWII, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine 2014 Coup, immigration, and how Russia replaced Communism with Christianity.

Had Americans been told the truth about these issues by professors, journalists, teachers, anchors, and politicians, Putin would have no effect on them.

To the Doomsdayers who say, “If Putin takes Donbas, he’ll take Eastern Europe, then Western Europe, then South America, then America!” Please realize it has no effect on the people who Biden insults every time he stands before a microphone.

The Solution

Democrats need to concede that everything bad about the West and its past are the least unique aspects about the West. What makes the West unique:

The central animating spirit of the West is something like the spirit of voluntary association, the spirit of voluntary cooperation, uncompelled choice, recognition of universal human dignity.

– Jordan Peterson, The War on the West w/ Douglas Murray

No Free Speech. No Privacy.

Let’s keep things simple and clear. There are no free speech platforms on Apple or Google. Apple rules. Google rules. Their rules do not permit free speech. PERIOD!

Additionally, Apple and Google are surveillance platforms that require “social media” apps to do surveillance.

No free speech. No privacy.

If you decide to borrow money and need to generate a lot of cash flow to amortize your debt, it is highly unlikely subscription income will be sufficient. Solvency requires that advertisers are appeased. Advertisers are brands. Brand management. Brand identity is crucial. That is not unique to today’s cancel culture. The history of our media whether it is radio or television or now the digital world; if you rely upon sponsors, advertisers; then that money is conditional.

So who is Elon Musk accountable to. Apple. Google. Lenders. Advertisers. It does not matter how much money he has. He bends to their rules. As is now evident.

When will you know that Elon Musk is actually committed to free speech. When he pays off the debt with his own significant capital. When he removes Twitter from Apple and Google app stores. And migrates the operating environment of Twitter’s infrastructure from big tech.

I think anyone who expected anything different is an idiot! Wake up! Stop looking for saviors!

Cops Handcuff Man for Carrying a Walking Stick Thinking It Was a Gun

Cops Handcuff Man for Carrying a Walking Stick Thinking It Was a Gun


We should be very grateful to farmers and home builders, because without them we would not have as much food or as many homes. That in no way means we should blindly do whatever farmers and home builders tell us to do. Same goes for any group claiming to provide the service of “safety” or “security”.

The footage below would be qualified as harassment and attempted kidnapping if anyone else did such a thing. The officer claims she thought he might of been carrying a gun. So what? People have a right to own guns. Do we citizens have the right to arrest cops when we see them carrying guns? Surely the history of government atrocities would give us probable cause to do so.

I look forward to the NRA coming to this man’s defense and demanding the firing of these officers.

A Pro-Life Foreign Policy

A Pro-Life Foreign Policy


I deeply appreciate those who defend the life of the unborn. It’s also important for those who defend innocent life to take that very same principle and apply it to humans in other geographical areas, even if a group of people called “congress” have “declared war” on other people in that same area.


[W]ar is simply a euphemism for theft-funded mass murder, a blatant crime that we would never dismiss if non-government actors were to engage in it.

– The Voluntaryist Handbook


I don’t use the term “RINO/Republican in Name Only” to refer to repubs who compromise on the 2A, support war, increase spending, etc.  They’re Republicans, and the party allows this. Writing them off as simply “fake republicans” is taking the responsibility off the GOP to improve.

Olivia Rondeau, Conservatarian political contributor (featured in thumbnail)


Media pundits have been gushing over Biden’s alleged accomplishment, but less than one year ago, on August 29, 2021, also in Kabul, ten entirely innocent civilians were destroyed by a U.S. drone strike on the basis of ‘evidence’ that the target was driving a white Toyota Corolla and seemed to be acting ‘suspiciously.’

– Laurie Calhoun, Author of We Kill Because We Can


Thou shalt not murder.

– Exodus 20:13


After America emerged as the undisputed leader of the West in 1945, however, the shocks, reversals, and humiliations at the hands of Stalin were greater than those that had caused Britain to declare war in 1939. America, however, chose a different course. Embracing the wisdom of George Kennan, America pursued a policy of containment and conscious avoidance of a Third World War.


When Stalin trashed the Yalta agreement, terrorizing the peoples of Poland and Eastern Europe for whom Britain had gone to war, America was stunned and sickened but issued no ultimata. When Moscow blockaded Berlin in violation of Allied rights, Truman responded with an airlift, not armored divisions or atom bombs.


When Stalin’s agents carried out the Prague coup in 1948, Truman did not see in Czechoslovakia an issue that justified war, as Churchill had when the Czechs were forced to give up the Sudetenland. America’s answer was NATO, drawing a red line across Europe that the West could defend, as Britain should have done in that March of 1939, instead of handing out the insane war guarantee to Poland. And where the British had failed to line up a Russian alliance before giving its war guarantee, America enlisted ten European allies before committing herself to defend West Germany.


Unlike Churchill in the 1930s, American leaders of the late 1940s and 1950s believed that, while the fate of Poland and Czechoslovakia was tragic, both were beyond any U.S. vital interest. From 1949 to 1989, the American army never crossed the Yalta line. When East Germans rose in 1953 and Hungarians in 1956, Eisenhower declined to act. In 1959, Ike welcomed the “Butcher of Budapest” to Camp David. When Khrushchev built the Berlin Wall, Kennedy called up the reserves, then sent them home after a year. In the missile crisis of 1962, Kennedy cut a secret deal to take U.S. missiles out of Turkey for Khrushchev’s taking Russian missiles out of Cuba. When the Prague Spring was crushed in 1968, LBJ did nothing. U.S. inaction was not due to cowardice but cold calculation as to what was worth risking war with a nuclear-armed Soviet Union and what was not worth risking war. When the Polish workers’ movement, Solidarity, was crushed in 1981, Ronald Reagan denounced the repression but he neither broke diplomatic relations with Warsaw nor imposed economic sanctions.


Eisenhower and Reagan were not Chamberlains, but neither were they Churchills. Who ruled in the capitals east of the Elbe was not to them a vital U.S. interest worth a war.


– Patrick J. Buchanan, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War p. 417-8


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