
Gen. Don Bolduc Did Not Get “Hit”

Gen. Don Bolduc Did Not Get “Hit”


The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire has been getting under the skin of LP Senate candidate Jeremy Kauffman’s war hawk opponents. Kauffman has been excluded from the debates, which the party is protesting. The latest controversy involves Republican candidate General Don Bolduc’s claim that he was “hit” by Joseph Hart, an antiwar, libertarian activist who was attempting to interview him before a debate. According to Goffstown police, Hart has been charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.The fact that Hart has been charged with disorderly conduct and not battery suggests local prosecutors do not believe they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Hart struck Bolduc, according to Patrick Macfarlane, our Justin Raimondo Fellow who is also an attorney in private practice.

The media is now pushing the narrative that he was attacked. On his Fox News show, Sean Hannity helped Bolduc double down last night. The multi-angle videos of the altercation reveal that Hart did not assault Bolduc. If anything, Bolduc’s supporters committed the assault.

Tom Woods Debunks the “Socialist Sweden” Myth

Tom Woods Debunks the “Socialist Sweden” Myth


There’s plenty to say regarding Sweden: (1) its “socialist” policies were made possible by wealth created under an essentially capitalist economy (as recently as the 1950s, remember, government spent less as a percentage of GDP in Sweden than in the U.S.); (2) Swedes earn about 50 percent more in the U.S., in our supposedly wicked economy; and (3) since Sweden’s explosion of social welfare spending there have been zero jobs created on net in the private sector.

– Thomas E. Woods Jr., Ph.D., Socialism Sucks

Also note that the Nordic countries have more economic freedom than the United States (Freedom Index).

The funny thing is that if the Sanders and Ocasio-Cortezes of the world made the U.S. more like Sweden, what would really happen? They haven’t updated their perception of Sweden and if the U.S. became more like us, the United States would have to have more free markets, more free trade, pension reform with private accounts, a national school voucher system with freedom of choice and public funding going to private schools as well, low corporate taxes and no taxes on wealth, property and inheritance. Be careful what you wish for.

Johan Norberg, Lessons From Sweden

10 War Propaganda Tactics Elites Always Use

10 War Propaganda Tactics Elites Always Use

  1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves
  2. The other guy is the sole responsible for this war
  3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil
  4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest
  5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes
  6. We suffer very few losses, the enemy’s losses are enormous
  7. Our cause is sacred
  8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause
  9. The enemy uses unauthorized weapons.
  10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors

Source: The Latter-Day Liberator

Marxist-Leninist Admits Libertarians Are Right About Cuba and North Korea!

Marxist-Leninist Admits Libertarians Are Right About Cuba and North Korea!


I asked a self-described “Marxist-Leninist” why do people risk life and limb to escape mostly socialist Cuba to the much more free market United States? And why is South Korea wealthier than North Korea?

He had a one word answer: Sanctions.

Sanctions are when governments coercively violate the property rights of people under the guise of pursuing the greater good. By forcibly stopping people from freely trading and contracting, they make everyone worse off.

The Marxist literally is saying government regulation is the cause of people staying poor.

Notice there is no principled difference between the U.S. government coercively regulating someone in Minnesota vs. coercively regulating someone in Mongolia.

The leftist knows in his bones that to truly support the “proletariat”, he must support the right of the “proletariat” right to freely trade and contract with everyone, even the “bourgeoisie”.

Power as Property: Inside the Mind of a Politician

Power as Property: Inside the Mind of a Politician

The defense of property is a relatively undisputed right of the citizenry. If someone threatens the safety of you or your family, or insinuates a threat by trespassing, breaking and entering, or burglarizing your property most people won’t blink at the use of force in self-defense. But what the citizenry doesn’t understand is that the parasitic political class views power in the same way they view their home.

When one begins to think about political power in this way, and views the actions of the elites the last few years through this lens it changes the way you engage with the discussion.

Trump didn’t win the office of president, he trespassed and occupied the office, threatening the the established order of political elites that are the rightful heirs to power. This left the bureaucratic machine little choice but to cook up charges that this invader was a Russian puppet. They were acting in self-defense.

Sure, BLM and Antifa burnt down cities and nearly destroyed DC while Trump was in office, but they were acting in accordance with the direction of the parasitic class to destabilize the country in order to reclaim their power from the illegitimate president. This was justified self-defense.

And when you begin to view these actions through this scope you begin to realize how absurd the conservative arguments become.

January 6 may have been a minor riot compared to BLM, but it wasn’t sanctioned by the political class. It was an insurrection organized by a rebel force attempting to displace the rightful owners of power, restore nationalism, and escape the grips of globalization.

In this light the actions and words of the political class don’t come across as hypocrisy. No one would argue (no honest person at least) that an invader entering your home unannounced has as much right to the home as you do. The property owner has the explicit right to defend his or her property from the invader(s).

Yesterday I observed several commentators arguing that Hillary Clinton claiming the right was plotting to steal the 2024 election was a hypocritical stance, but what she is arguing is that illegitimate undeserving intruders are displacing the current order, and it’s the fault of deplorable voters (the productive class). These extremists refuse to accept the rightful oligarchs as heirs to the throne of power, and intend to change the direction of the country. They’re a threat to “our democracy,” aka our property. They’re criminals, degenerates, and an invading force that must be stopped by any means necessary. When they get beat into oblivion by leftist activists it is justified because they are NAZIs and white supremacists that believe the government is in service to the citizenry, not vice versa.

The next time you’re tempted to point out hypocrisy, change the framing in your mind, and try to remember that to these parasites power is their property, and they are willing to defend it to the death no matter how much death and destruction it causes in the lives of others.

Pope Appeals to Politicians to Avert Threat of Nuclear War Over Ukraine


“Today, in fact, something we dreaded and hoped never to hear of again is threatened outright: the use of atomic weapons, which even after Hiroshima and Nagasaki continued wrongly to be produced and tested.”

Francis recalled how on October, 25, 1962, at the height of the Cuban missile crisis, Pope John XXIII delivered a radio message appealing to leaders of the time to bring the world back from the brink.

“Today peace has been gravely violated, assaulted and trampled upon, and this in Europe, on the very continent that in the last century endured the horrors of two world wars,” Francis said.

Sitting near the pope on the stage in front of the ancient Colosseum was Edith Bruck, 91, a Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor and author who lives in Italy.

“Sadly, since then, wars have continued to cause bloodshed and to impoverish the earth. Yet, the situation that we are presently experiencing is particularly dramatic,” he said.

The closing ceremony was attended by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and representatives of other religions.

The meeting’s final appeal, read by a Syrian refugee, called for the banning of production of nuclear weapons.


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