
Socialist Greed vs. Free Market “Greed”

Socialist Greed vs. Free Market “Greed”


A common scam involves taking a constant reality that always applies to everyone, then uniquely applying it to one set of people or one set of ideas.

Which of the following sounds more greedy to you?:


  1. Give me your money or I’ll have my employees put you in a jail cell and shoot you if you resist (taxation)
  2. I cannot get a penny out of your pocket unless you voluntarily give it to me in exchange for a product, service, or charitable gift


Most of us fear social disapproval, so being called greedy decreases our confidence in promoting the voluntarist ideas of free markets.

No longer should freedom advocates feel guilted by those who advocate government, the primary cause of theft (regulation and taxation) and mass murder (war) today and throughout history.

For more see, The Voluntaryist Handbook.

The Great American Fraud, David Petraeus, The Worst American General Since McClellan, Says Ukraine War Going Great

Update: If Russia uses nukes in Ukraine, Petraeus says: “Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a Nato – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea,” Petraeus told ABC News’ “ABC This Week” anchor Jon Karl.

Voluntary Charity Gave Us the Statue of Liberty and the Salisbury Cathedral

Voluntary Charity Gave Us the Statue of Liberty and the Salisbury Cathedral

764 years ago, the Salisbury Cathedral was consecrated in England. Considered the oldest example of early Gothic architecture in England, the old beauty maintains the largest cloister, the tallest spire, and the largest external park or “cathedral close,” of any cathedral in Britain. Inside are also one of the oldest continual-working clocks, and one of the 4 surviving copies of the Magna Carta….Construction was paid for by donations, principally from the canons and vicars of southeast England, who were asked to contribute a fixed annual sum until the building was completed.

– Good News in History September 20th,


According to the National Park Service, the idea of a monument presented by the French people to the United States was first proposed by Édouard René de Laboulaye, president of the French Anti-Slavery Society and a prominent and important political thinker of his time. The project is traced to a mid-1865 conversation between Laboulaye, a staunch abolitionist, and Frédéric Bartholdi, a sculptor…. Fundraising included advertising, exhibitions, public events, and the sale of souvenirs. Though wealthy individuals did contribute, it was the small donations of hundreds of thousands of working people and children on both sides of the Atlantic that made the Statue of Liberty a reality.

Raising Funds for Liberty,


For more on the philosophy of voluntaryism, see The Voluntaryist Handbook.

Military Conscription is Slavery

Military Conscription is Slavery

Anytime a sane person mentions the reality that military conscription is forced labor under vile conditions and therefore slavery, the person is almost always met with “but soldiers got paid.” The bizarre response comes from the term “free labor” and the assumptions that follow. “Free” (to them) means no labor costs, thus the opposite of “free” is “paid”, therefore the problem with slavery was the amount of compensation involved. But of course running a plantation is expensive, the main reason rich people were more likely to own slaves than poor people. This allows the culprit to be money, instead of placing blame on the initiation of violence against a peaceful person.

Slavery has nothing at all to do with compensation. That would mean all school work is slavery, personal research, and volunteer work, is slavery since it involves you working without pay.

The problem is not the money involved, but the fact that the slave was met with threats of physical violence if they did not perform certain tasks. 

Volunteering for the armed services is a different story entirely, you want the risk? It’s your life. However, millions of men throughout history have been enslaved into getting PTSD, their limbs blown off, and getting murdered; surely those who represent “the little guy” should prioritize this narrative.

Progressives are terrified of this reality considering it’s implications: In their 1619 crusade to write all the wrongs of slavery, they missed the worst form of slavery which applied only to males.

But for those who still believe getting paid for forced labor justifies forced labor:

Here, too, the slaves of all the other farms received their monthly allowance of food, and their yearly clothing. The men and women slaves received, as their monthly allowance of food, eight pounds of pork, or its equivalent in fish, and one bushel of corn meal. Their yearly clothing consisted of two coarse linen shirts, one pair of linen trousers, like the shirts, one jacket, one pair of trousers for winter, made of coarse negro cloth, one pair of stockings, and one pair of shoes; the whole of which could not have cost more than seven dollars. The allowance of the slave children was given to their mothers, or the old women having the care of them. The children unable to work in the field had neither shoes, stockings, jackets, nor trousers, given to them; their clothing consisted of two coarse linen shirts per year. When these failed them, they went naked until the next allowance-day. Children from seven to ten years old, of both sexes, almost naked, might be seen at all seasons of the year.

– Frederick Douglas, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas p. 8


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