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President Trump Warns Ominously: "It's the Calm Before the Storm"

by | Oct 6, 2017

This article originally appeared at Anti-Media.
Washington, D.C.  — In front of cameras on Thursday evening, as he met with senior military officials and their spouses at the White House, President Donald Trump said those in attendance could be witnessing the “calm before the storm.”
“You guys know what this represents?” Trump asked as he and his guests posed for photos before dinner. “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.”
When he was asked by reporters to clarify what he meant, Trump stated simply that he had “the world’s great military people in this room,” then thanked the media present for coming.
Pressed further about his rather ominous remark, the American president replied only: “You’ll find out.”
The vagueness of Trump’s comments prompted immediate speculation as to what “storm” he could be hinting at. Presently, the consensus in the mainstream media appears to be that the U.S. leader was referring to the ongoing situations with either North Korea or Iran.
U.S. tensions with North Korea have been steadily escalating for months, with the Kim Jong-un regime refusing to back away from its nuclear ambitions as the Trump administration insists the Hermit Kingdom’s program represents a threat to national security.
On Iran, Trump is currently making headlines for wanting to void Obama-era agreements that purportedly sought to keep the Middle Eastern country’s nuclear ambitions in check. From a Washington Post article on Thursday, which ran before the U.S. president’s cryptic comments were published:
“President Trump is expected to announce next week that he will ‘decertify’ the international nuclear deal with Iran, saying it is not in the national interest of the United States and kicking the issue to a reluctant Congress, people briefed on the White House strategy said Thursday.”

James Holbrooks

James Holbrooks

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