Robert Mueller Still Shooting Blanks

by | Jan 25, 2019

The Roger Stone indictment: all obstruction, no Russia.

The facts, as the indictment presents them, are that Stone emailed with Randy Credico
about Assange and Wikileaks, but then denied it, and tried to intimidate Credico
to corroborate his claim that Credico was his “back channel” to Wikileaks before he actually was.

Nothing about Russia at all.

So who was the real original back-channel to Assange? — Aldrich Ames? Putin?! Kislyak?! Stalin?!!!

Wait. Just wait. Keep waiting. If you wait, you’ll see.

(Okay I guess I have to admit Stone was apparently playing very-hardball with this guy for reasons left unexplained. So I guess we will just keep waiting.)

Scott Horton

Scott Horton

Scott Horton is director of the Libertarian Institute, editorial director of, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He is the author of four books. He has conducted more than 6,000 interviews since 2003. Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Larisa Alexandrovna Horton.

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