The Biden Administration’s Family Separation Policy

by | Oct 13, 2022


While I applaud the arrest of rapists, murders, kidnappers, and looters, Joe Biden’s administration has separated children from their parents unjustly.

Biden’s regime has practiced Truancy Laws which separate children from parents for the crime of parents opposing state indoctrination.

Biden’s administration has enforced drug laws which separate peaceful parents from their young vulnerable children.

If Biden’s administration catches parents not chipping in for wars based on lies or welfare schemes they oppose, the IRS will separate children from their parents, ripping a child from the loving arms of their mother, and will even murder a mother holding onto her baby.

If caught not abiding by an arbitrary business regulation which can legally be interpreted in various ways, the government will separate parents from their children, placing the parents in a jail cell, and will shoot the parents if they resist the police.

My father was a crack addict and as burdensome as his addiction was, him being jailed would have made things far worse. One less income for our family, future job opportunities stolen, more stress on a single mother, more time I would have spent with strangers, etc.

Stop the war on all peaceful people, decriminalize all economic activities between consenting adults.

Keith Knight

Keith Knight

Keith Knight is Managing Editor at the Libertarian Institute, host of the Don't Tread on Anyone podcast and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook: A Collection of Essays, Excerpts, and Quotes.

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