You may have all heard by now that the Washington Post is promoting a blacklist of more than 200 websites written up by anonymous “researchers” accusing anyone in alternative media of any notoriety at all, and who has, apparently, _ever_ refused to toe the U.S. government line on some issue related to Russia of being agents or “useful idiots” of the Russian government.
Whoever-it-is, has seen fit to lump in fairly mainstream sites like Truthout, Truthdig, and the Ron Paul Institute in with a bunch of sites no one’s heard of, loons, Nazis and other assorted kooks — virtually none of whom actually are related to Russia in any way if they’ve ever even published on the subject at all.
I’m proud to say that is on the list, and am terribly embarrassed and ashamed — utterly mortified, really — that my own site did not make the stupid cut.
(This site is too new and so has a good excuse.)
These anonymous citizens are also calling for the FBI to investigate immediately, so yeah maybe I’m better off after all. Those guys can be unfair sometimes.
Update: RT hilariously accuses the Post of manufacturing “fake news.”