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Violent Protests In Sudan: Paramilitaries Supported by Saudi Arabia Throw Dead Bodies in River

by | Jun 6, 2019

Paramilitaries in Khartoum threw dozens of bodies into the Nile to try to hide the number of casualties inflicted during a dawn attack on pro-democracy protesters in the Sudanese capital earlier this week, doctors and activists have said.

Heavily armed units of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continued to sweep through Khartoum and the neighbouring city of Omdurman on Wednesday. Residents blocked many roads with makeshift barricades as they tried to protect their neighbourhoods from the paramilitaries and thieves.

The leader of the paramilitary forces is Mohamed Hamdan Dagolo who is supported by Saudi Arabia and has been supplying troops to fight against the Houthi’s in Yemen.

More importantly the deputy president of the council, Mohamed Hamdan Dagolo, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia leader known as Hemedti, met the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, in Jeddah on 24 May, and pledged to stand with the kingdom against all threats, including Iran. He vowed Sudanese troops would continue fighting alongside Saudi Arabia against the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Steven Woskow

Steven Woskow

Steve Woskow is an entrepreneur and was President of Agtech Products, Inc., a research and development company specializing in animal agriculture. He has a Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Science from Iowa State University. He is retired and lives with his family in Northern Nevada.

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