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What a strange fetish it all is…

by | Jul 20, 2024

What a strange fetish it all is…

by | Jul 20, 2024

Is it a fetish? There are some fascinating memes and clips doing the rounds of Trump lately. The populist appeal has become silly. The trouble is that some supposedly serious people are unironically aroused by it all. Then again, maybe it’s just for the LOLs? Grown men reliving the great Tumblr vs 4chan war, now those veterans find themselves on X and TikTok waging battle against the evil globalists or lizards or satanists or deep state. The forces of Zuck, Obama and Biden. Only one man can save them, Donald Trump.

When Shia Lebouf did his anti-Trump art piece, “he will not divide us!” little would he know that in time, Trump would become unifying. The oppositionis running the F grade team, not even really trying to win and in his surviving an assassin’s bullet Trump has become ubericonic. The machismo strong man that is the hall mark of all historical moments usually leading to government peaks, is usually thanks to prior failings and incompetence, thus ascending into a figurehead moment.

The obsession with Trump has been quite curious since early on, in 2015 Hilary Clinton pushed for him during the Republican primaries. He was just not taken seriously by the establishment aristocracy of government. She and her experts considered him the beatable one in the bunch. But a gap toothed Leon Spinks managed to beat Ali, and Trump was a better contender than even an Olympic gold medallist in that race plus Clinton is not Ali. When Trump won, her supporters squealed loud enough to wake a Snyder-cut mother box. His supporters cheered, and well we know what happened. Promises dwindled into a period of business as usual.

At least he didn’t start any NEW wars,” we were told. A high water mark of US liberal democracy and the revelation at just how comfortable the American public is with their governments foreign policy and imperial ambitions to wage war. But alas, he lost to Joe Sniffer Biden. Even with the laptop and revelations of corruption, debauchery of him and his son, conspiracy theories and general stench of a candidate who looked soiled. Trump lost, however controversial it may be. Gore vs Bush as a conspiracy of election fraud kept Michael Moore well fed as much as those of today indulge in the decadence of sweet sweet government corruption of the past presidential switch.

This time it will be better. The charges pressed against Trump seem pretty lame. Given the whole corrupt nature of most upper tier politicians. I guess all of them are just too big to fail. Whether deleting emails, receiving money from conflicting sources, taking home documents whatever none of that is really as bad as blowing up children. But, Bill Clinton survived Waco and the numerous tomahawk missile strikes and embargoes that took thousands of lives, it was a blowjob from an intern that seemed to upset the government fetishists the most. Just as Watergate was the blotch against Nixon not blowing to pieces millions of South East Asians.

There is even talk of Biden’s presidency being a form of ‘elder abuse.’ As though his Weekend at Bernies treatment means we should feel sorry for the man. He is scum. Has always been. For those with goldfish brains, look at his history and peel back the withered and decayed facade of a man who has profited from the theft of taxation and embraced government growth to the detriment of millions. Wasn’t he a segregationist…? That does not make Donald Trump a saint, eminent domain real estate makes some people very wealthy.

The concern is not so much who the president is, rather the rallying of a lot of people to this father figure. Online a lot of men are fetishising him. A feminist once told me that men have a childish obsession with hierarchies, many are drawn to careers and sports where they need a fixed leadership. They worship the military chain of command, though most are aware the higher it climbs the more political and less capable individuals tend to be. That is true for much of life. Though as she put it, men still see themselves as kings, despite clamouring for these figures who that want to be their king. Whether she is right or wrong is not for me, I am just making this known as I watch mostly men share gleefully in a ritual of worship of a man who is certainly enigmatic and revels in the celebrity. But why must people lust such a man to lead them?

Even many who claim to despise the government or the corporate world for that matter, they seem drawn to it. They rationalise that either the right management or leader will bring change, or perhaps they just lack imagination or even just like the security of the familiar. The status quo is understood…devil you know and all that. And for those who profess faith in a spiritual deity, the idol worship of a man whose almost an NFT and trademark, is a revelation. Is the god that many claim guides them really more powerful than nation and government? Or is this golden idol sent by the heavens to lead them, as a saviour of sorts?Divine rule of memes and all that.

Do so many just have daddy issues? Do they need a Christian Grey in their lives? A wealthy dominant to tell them what to do, to take care of them through promises of welfare and subsidies. To be controlled in every aspect of their lives, to be shielded by other potential dominants that may come by. And every so often they need to be spanked and sodomised…well you get the rest of the metaphor. Is that really it? Or is it just a ritual that is so traditional and regimented that it’s normal to simply accept and adore it.

Is it abnormal to raise a hand and ask, “what does God need with a starship?” Most of you likely don’t value the greatness of the Shatner period Star Trek films but there was a healthy level of dissent found within. When a “god” requested a star ship be taken to him, his followers, those brainwashed and the willing prophet never once questioned. It was Kirk who alone asked that question and defied the powerful. Are we in that world, where absurdity and power itself is a self fulfilling cycle. The supposed powerless, continue to bring star ships and feed the power of the state and leaders by obeying and indulging in their whims. And, worshipping politicians them in strange and unusual ways. Wanna feel sick, check out how media types and especially lady journalists humped the leg of Victorian premiere Dan Andrews, over his “covid leadership.” Not even the flu would make you that sick as to witness such a thing.

They are all just human beings. The experts, the masters, the mercenaries who serve them are not omnipotent. We witnessed the failure of security, where Trump survived by chance of timing. You want that monopoly to protect your family? And the theorists who don’t believe the lone gun man story, for them it means they fucked up the assassination too. They can’t even do wars well, just kill, die and spend. But alas all of us in the world will watch the next most important election. But we know Trump has basically won. A faded Ali had a better chance versus a prime Holmes but, this is not a prize fight merely another ritual of government so it’s more than just a contest of the mobs favourite ghoul, so stuff can happen too. Trump is funny and Liberal tears….are you not entertained?

It would be entertaining if it wasn’t a coercive monopoly but for some reason most just love government so much. The absurdity is mandatory. And, even though for most of us it’s in another country we suffer the consequences. Australia for example is but a vassal of empire. Alex Jones is right, it’s turned the frogs ghey, Pepe included. But in the end daddy Trump won’t cuddle you either.

July, 2024

Kym Robinson

Kym Robinson

Kym is the Harry Browne Fellow for The Libertarian Institute. Some times a coach, some times a fighter, some times a writer, often a reader but seldom a cabbage. Professional MMA fighter and coach. Unprofessional believer in liberty. I have studied, enlisted, worked in the meat industry for most of my life, all of that above jazz and to hopefully some day write something worth reading.

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