Meet Gary Rhines. He’s done 18 years of a life sentence for possession of a small amount of cocaine. While in prison, he’s rehabilitated himself and stuff, from the kind of person who would be a drug businessman to another kind.
When a federal judge decided to invoke a new law in order to set Rhines free, the federal prosecutor objected, saying that at least he ought to have to “serve” the full 30 years currently recommended for his “offense” against government-imposed contraband restrictions. In this case, the federal judge refused and finally let this peaceful human out of his cage — ah, only to have the state kidnap him for another year.
The fun irony of the whole thing of course is that these prosecutors not only don’t know they’re evil pieces of shit, they know they’re the heroes in the whole narrative; the thin blue line saving us all from the chaos of a free and open market.