In Episode 53 Tommy takes a more philosophy driven reasoning for the prohibitions America has and does face. He asserts that every prohibition is a law designed to defeat the body in order for the individual to be useful for the furtherance of the state. Any person participating in drugs, excessive drinking, prostitution, or any other prohibited activity that fulfills the desires of the body in a way that may be damaging must either give up their secularist lifestyle or be forced to serve the state through imprisonment.
Chinese Chess Moves: A Tectonic Shift in Exquisite Platforms
If the Saab 37 Viggen and the F16 had a love child, it is the Chinese J-10C. The realignment begins, you are witnessing a tectonic shift away from US influence in all the conflict hot-spots on Earth. Meanwhile, the J-10C is equipped to fight against modern threats in...