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Year Zero: Mr Jack

by | Jul 8, 2019

In Episode 52 Tommy discusses his thoughts about reparations.

Growing up in an impoverished household Tommy never saw the racism that people claim exist. One of the biggest influences in his life was a man he calls Mr Jack, an African American that worked for “Granny” for over 2 decades. There were no luxuries in being poor that allowed Tommy or his family to engage in racism. They were much too concerned with surviving day to day.

Today’s political arena is scarred with discussions of race hysteria and reparations. Tommy looks at how the conversations are being framed, and addresses what he believes would be a better sell to a wider variety of people.

Listen to Year Zero Here 

Tommy Salmons

Tommy Salmons

Tommy Salmons is the host of Year Zero, a podcast focusing on government abuse of power.

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