Critics often dismiss private law by alleging that disputes between enforcement agencies would lead to combat — even though this happens between governments all the time! In truth, the incentives for peaceful resolution of disputes would...
Don’t Tread on Anyone
Who Was Tony Timpa?
by Keith Knight | Jul 26, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone “Unless it be to do justice on an offender,” Locke continued, no one may “take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another.” Long traces out a key implication of...
“Only Politicians Have Rights!” – A Propaganda Analysis of The Myth of Ownership
by Keith Knight | Jul 24, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone The very same people who say that government has no right to interfere with sexual activity between consenting adults believe that the government has every right to interfere with economic activity between consenting adults. – Thomas...
A Right-Wing Critique of the Police State – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
by Keith Knight | Jul 22, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone The next step in the development of what would later become anarcho-capitalism was the radical one taken by Gustave de Molinari, in his essay “The Private Production of Security.” Molinari asked if the production of defense services, which...
Why Democratic Socialists Are Wrong About “Profit”
by Keith Knight | Jul 20, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone One of the most incredible attributes of free markets is the ability to harmonize our self-interests with the interests of greater society. Contrary to the popular demonization of profits as extraction of surplus value, profits in freed...
The Voluntaryist Handbook: Self-Ownership and Its Implications
by Keith Knight | Jul 18, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone One need look no further than to the examples of North and South Korea or East and West Germany to see that the freer people are, the wealthier they can become through mutually beneficial voluntary exchange. These two controlled...
How the Criminal Lockdowns Hurt Small Business (feat. Carol Roth)
by Keith Knight | Jul 14, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone ... one of the most significant ways in which the government could aid the poor is by removing its own direct roadblocks from their productive energies. Thus, minimum wage laws disemploy the poorest and least productive members of the...
Free Market Capitalism Works – Real World Examples by Thomas Sowell
by Keith Knight | Jul 11, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone Similar comparisons could be made between Burma and Thailand, the former having had the higher standard of living before instituting socialism, and the latter a much higher standard of living afterwards. Other countries—India, Germany,...