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Against the Unconstitutional Suspension of Jury Trials Ep. 133

by | Oct 11, 2020

In an unprecedented abridgment of the most basic rights of an ostensibly free society, American citizens are being wholly deprived of their right to Due Process in the name of an amorphous “public health emergency.” This must not stand.

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In In re the Matter of the Extension of Orders and Interim Rule Concerning Continuation of Jury Trials, Suspension of Statutory Deadlines for Non-criminal Jury Trials, and Remote Hearings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Liberty Weekly: The Real Magna Carta Ep. 58

Liberty Weekly: Lysander Spooner on Jury Nullification Ep. 56

Lysander Spooner “Trial by Jury” Full Text

Patrick Macfarlane

Patrick Macfarlane

Patrick MacFarlane is the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute where he advocates a noninterventionist foreign policy. He is a Wisconsin attorney in private practice. He is the host of the Vital Dissent at, where he seeks to oppose calamitous escalation in US foreign policy by exposing establishment narratives with well-researched documentary content and insightful guest interviews. His work has appeared on,, and Zerohedge. He may be reached at

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