To appreciate the enormity of the crimes against the Palestinian people, one must understand that while persons are certainly individuals, they are something more as well. That’s what we mean when we use words like society, culture, and people. What has happened to the Palestinians is not simply that some individuals were killed and others were driven from land their families had lived on and worked for 1,500 years. Those horrible things amount to only part of the atrocity that befell them.
The other part is the cultural genocide that has been perpetrated. Palestine was a vibrant cultural and economic center, with thriving cities and lush farms. It wasn’t a “land without a people” or a savage-filled desert waiting for European Jews to make it bloom. We cannot understand current events in the Middle East without understanding that the Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine, which began before 1948, meant so much more than just driving people from their homes. It meant eradicating the record and memory of a beautiful place (where, incidentally, Jews also could and did live in peace).
This documentary shows what has been lost.
We’re Not One Of Them. We’re One Of You.
The life of a state-intellectual is charmed. They get a cushy job at a think tank funded by weapons manufacturers, the Pentagon, USAID, and foreign governments. They get invited on power faction media and platformed as essential thinkers. They get professorships at...