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Libertarian Messaging For 2021: Part 2

by | Dec 7, 2020

Libertarian Messaging For 2021: Part 2

by | Dec 7, 2020

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Let’s just jump right in since you can go to part 1 and see my yada, yada qualifications and such. Here’s the Tweet:

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End all corporate bailouts/welfare

For those of you who remember the great recession of 2008, or have read about it in books such as Tom Woods’ classic, Meltdown, you recall that the majority of the people were against the bank bailouts. Did that stop your “betters” in DC from bailing out their biggest campaign donors? No, it did not. Did any of you who lost a house or savings or any wealth you worked your ass off for get a bailout? None of us did. And the elite power brokers, working in tandem with the politicians you elected, grew richer.

This year those same people told you to stay home, be afraid and threatened you if you left your house. Many people have defaulted on their homes. Others have lost their nest egg. Even more are suffering psychological damage due to isolation. When the CARES Act was passed, what was there for you? $1,200? If 100,000,000 people received that amount, that is one hundred twenty billion dollars. If 2.2 trillion was given out, where did the other 2.08 trillion go? To corporate cronies who saw record profits in 2020 while you were wallowing in lock-down misery.

When you realize that this is how crisis’s always play out, how can anyone with a straight face ever say we have a free market again. You’ve been had people. This corporate welfare must end. There was no welfare for the small business owner who was devastated in 2020 and continues to be with no end in sight. End this!

Support self-defense by armed citizens against rioters and/or cops

As more people grew to see that the government was their enemy this year, beginning in the end of May, many in certain areas saw a greater threat where the state stepped in and told good people that if you act in self-defense, we will prosecute you. The riots that started in the wake of the death of George Floyd were a perfect example of how not only are police, and the government, not here to protect you, but they will actively persecute you if you seek to protect yourself from roving mobs of criminals. The very nature of self-defense outside the law allows you to use as much force as needed to protect yourself, your family and your property.

That was taken away from certain groups even in states where gun ownership is prolific (Washington, Oregon). These politicians and power-brokers must never be allowed to do this in the future, AND, should be held accountable for their recent actions.

Many this year have also woken up to the fact that not only are the police not here to protect them, but in many cases will actively follow the decrees handed down by politicians without question. This includes enforcing laws in which there is no victim but allows police to escalate conflict, up to and including violence and even murder. In the case where a police officer is putting the life of innocent people in jeopardy, armed citizens must be allowed to protect themselves, or another. This is logical and accords with natural law. Without the ability of sovereign individuals to be able to protect themselves from government workers trespassing upon their rights, we must admit that we live in a police state where every encounter with a state agent is a hostage situation.

Resist the cathedral always

So, what is the “Cathedral?” It has three parts but the first must be explained in order to understand how they work with the other two. The first is what I refer to as the “Public Servant State.” That is, the millions of public “servants” who have positions of power no matter what party controls the White House, congress or the judiciary. We’re talking specifically about those employees at the State Department, CIA, FBI, Pentagon, etc., who wield power and influence no matter who the show pony in the White House is. In the last four years many have come to call them the “Deep State.” They plan the wars, make policy and never suffer any consequences.

How do they do this? With the help of the other two groups, the corporate press and the universities. In recent history, many people, especially those who identify with the Right, have come to have a radical distrust for all three. Many have woken up to the fact that the press is a mouthpiece for the CIA. Watch panels on every cable news station and there is almost always a “former” CIA or FBI agent present. Many just don’t trust the corporate media anymore. Add in the universities where more and more parents are waking up every day to the fact that they are indoctrination centers in which their children are being brainwashed to embrace Marxism and socialism which inevitably leads them to looking to the State as their mommy or daddy and you see how they work together.

Thaddeus Russell shows in his forthcoming book on American foreign policy that every war in the 20th century saw its genesis in the halls of academia. Thomas Sowell, a Harvard graduate, is quoted as saying, “in any great disaster, there’s a Harvard man in the middle of it.”

These three working together must be called out constantly and there is no better time to communicate this as there is now, even more so than 5 years ago, a segment that knows that this collusive force is dangerous and must be resisted.

Peter R. Quiñones

Peter R. Quiñones

Peter R. Quiñones hosts the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. He released his first book, Freedom Through Memedom – The 31-day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty in November 2017. It reached #4 in the Libertarian Section on Amazon. He has spoken at Liberty Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire and is one of the Executive Producers on the documentary, “The Monopoly on Violence."

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